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Change to read “through the use of a virtual carrier sense mechanism”.
DRA FT D EVE LOP MEN T - F INAL VER SION PEN DING MORE OF THE SAME….. 28 Sept 2020 IEEE 802.3 NEA Ad hoc - Draft Development - Beyond 400 GbE CFI Consensus Presentation 2020 2021 2022 S ta nd ar ds In fr as tr uc tu re D ev ic es S oc ia l ne tw or ki ng A pp lic at io ns Pl at fo rm s & S ci en ce You Are Here 2023 2024 2026 2027 20282025 Beyond 400 GbE  More users  More and faster 5G mobile  More video & higher resolution  More and faster devices  More data  More applications  More networked science  Artificial Intelligence & ML  Beyond 100 GbE servers Page 14 DRA FT D EVE LOP MEN T - F INAL VER SION PEN DING COVID-19 TRENDS, APRIL 2020 28 Sept 2020 IEEE 802.3 NEA Ad hoc - Draft Development - Beyond 400 GbE CFI Consensus Presentation Electronic Payment New Virtual Experiences Work from Home Security Telemedicine & Virtual Fitness Shopping, Food, Meal Delivery Play from Home SOURCE: Zoom ▲2,000%+ SOURCE: CNN ▲50% SOURCE: CNBC Verizon ▲75% SOURCE: Facebook ▲50% SOURCE: Teledoc ▲100%+ SOURCE: FierceWireless ▲35% CAGR data from various industry sources and Inphi estimates Socialize & Learn from Home Stream from Home SOURCE: GlobalWedIndex ▲52% SOURCE: Sensor Tower ▲322% 62% rate SOURCE: Thomson Reuters; Ipsos Data and Traffic Source - Inphi blog post 'Bandwidth in the Age of COVID-19' posted 22nd April 2020 by Ford Tamer, President and CEO, Inphi Corporation Page 15 DRA FT D EVE LOP MEN T - F INAL VER SION PEN DING https://blog.zoom.us/wordpress/2020/04/01/a-message-to-our-users/ https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/24/tech/contactless-payment-limit-covid-gbr-intl-scli/index.html https://www.statista.com/statistics/1108378/coronavirus-impact-online-traffic-usa-category/ https://about.fb.com/news/2020/03/keeping-our-apps-stable-during-covid-19/ https://ir.teladochealth.com/news-and-events/investor-news/press-release-details/2020/Teladoc-Health-Previews-First-Quarter-2020-Results/default.aspx https://www.fiercewireless.com/wireless/networks-could-see-home-internet-traffic-remain-high-after-crisis?
IEEE 802.3 BWA Ad Hoc Report IEEE 802.3 Industry Connections Bandwidth Assessment 19th July 2012 IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Working Group Communication From: IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Working Group1 Subject: IEEE Industry Connections Ethernet Bandwidth Assessment Date: 19th July 2012 Approval: Agreed to at IEEE 802.3 Plenary meeting, San Diego, 19th July 2012 During the IEEE P802.3ba 40Gb/s and 100Gb/s Ethernet project, it was observed that the bandwidth requirements for core networking and computing applications were growing at different rates, driving the need to develop the two new wireline Ethernet speeds.
November 1992 Doc: IEEE P802.11·92/137 Tentative MACIPHY Joint Meeting Minutes Tuesday, November 11, 1992 The meeting was called to order by Vic Hayes at 8:30 AM.
A Proposal to Standardize Directive Antennas and Highly Sectored Cellular Hub Systems For Outdoor Point to Multipoint Applications: IEEE 802.16.3 PHY Layer 2000-10-30 IEEE 802.16.3c-00/46 Project IEEE 802.16.3 Broadband Wireless Access Working Group Title A Proposal to Standardize Directive Antennas and Highly Sectored Cellular Hub Systems For Outdoor Point to Multipoint Applications: IEEE 802.16.3 PHY Layer Date Submitted 2000-10-30 Source(s) John Sydor Communications Research Centre 3701 Carling Avenue Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Voice: 1-613-998-2388 Fax: 1-613-990-8369 mailto:john.sydor@crc.ca Re: IEEE 802.16.3 PHY layer request for proposals Abstract High directivity low side-lobe antennas, when used for outdoor applications, significantly mitigateco-channel interference and enhance the data carrying capacity of a bandwidth allocation.
There is an ancient Chinese concept called yin-yang, which holds that everything in the universe consists of opposite aspects (for example, hot-cold, dark-light, or life-death), which must be kept in balance for an entity to thrive 1999 World Standards Day Paper Competition First Place Winner The Yin and Yang of Standards Development By Stephen C.
My sense is that virtually all XAUI implementations will utilize > > configuration 4 which supports transmit equalization on both XGXS sides > > in order to keep power at a minimum while meeting or exceeding XAUI > > objectives.
. > > > > In reality, the long time established market, and the vast majority of the > > bandwidth in the data communications "core" is not "packet".
. > > In reality, the long time established market, and the vast majority of the > bandwidth in the data communications "core" is not "packet".
RFID readers have already been experimentally embedded into floor tiles, woven into carpeting and floor mats, hidden in doorways, and seamlessly incorporated into retail shelving and counters, making it virtually impossible for a consumer to know when or if he or she was being "scanned." · Individual tracking and profiling.
. > > > > > > In reality, the long time established market, and the vast majority of the > > > bandwidth in the data communications "core" is not "packet".
My sense is that virtually all XAUI implementations will utilize > configuration 4 which supports transmit equalization on both XGXS sides > in order to keep power at a minimum while meeting or exceeding XAUI > objectives.
October 24, 1991 Doc: IEEE P802.11J91-107 Tentative Minutes of the IEEE PS02.11 Working Group Interim Meeting Palo Alto, CA September 9-12, 1991 Monday, September 9, 1991, Morning The meeting was called to order at 8:50 AM, Vic Hayes, chairman of IEEE 802.111 being in the chair, Jim Neeley vice chair, Michael Masleid secretary. 1.
Wi-LAN and Fujitsu Microelectronics America Expect to Produce First-to-Market WiMAX Certified System 2004-04-30: The Register Wireline operators flock to WiMAX 2004-04-29: Techworld WiMax - don't believe the hype 2004-04-29: iTnews Australia Resellers get Unwired in time for Sydney launch 2004-04-29: The Hindu Why they're all betting on broadband 2004-04-28: DMeurope BT, France Telecom join WiMAX Forum 2004-04-27: Internetnews.com WiMAX Inches Closer to Reality 2004-04-27: NewsFactor Network Wireless Data-Service Options Explode 2004-04-26: Wireless IQ The WiMax Five 2004-04-26: Techworld BT readies UK's first broadband wireless service 2004-04-26: eWeek Make Room for Wireless Broadband 2004-04-26: WiMAX Forum Major Service Providers Join WiMAX Forum, Broaden Support for Global Broadband Wireless Access Standard 2004-04-24: ZDNet Report: WiMAX to lead broadband wireless market 2004-04-14: Navini Networks Navini Networks Joins WiMAX Forum 2004-04-14: Unstrung AT&T Eyes Wireless Broadband 2004-04-14: 802.11 Planet Wireless Broadband in the Windy City 2004-04-13: Chicago Tribune Wireless competition climbs to new heights 2004-04-12: Boston Globe To those who don't quite grasp WiFi -- make way for WiMax 2004-04-06: Unstrung picoChip Touts WiMax 2004-04-06: Mobile Pipeline Pre-standard WiMAX Service Launched In Chicago 2004-04-05: ZDNet UK WiMax: The saviour of rural broadband?
Coexistence Recommended Practice - working document version 1.5 2002-07-01 IEEE C802.16.2a-02/36 0 Project IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access Working Group Title Coexistence Recommended Practice – working document version 1.5 Date Submitted 2002-07-01 Source(s) Philip Whitehead Radiant Networks PLC The Mansion, Chesterford park Little Chesterford, Essex, CB10 1XL UK Voice: 01799 533600 Fax: 01799 533601 mailto:pw@radiantnetworks.co.uk Re: Amendments to Recommended Practice for Coexistence of Fixed BWA Systems IEEE802.16.2 Abstract This is a task group 2 working document containing draft material accepted for inclusion in the amended Recommended Practice for Coexistence of Fixed Broadband Wireless Access Systems.
Source: Contributions from Hirschmann, Siemens and Broadcom Page 10Version 1.0 IEEE 802.3 – SG DMLT – Tutorial – July 2013 Plenary 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 M io Premium Class Middle Class Lower Class Estimated Ports Automotive Ethernet Market Introduction • Ethernet use in automotive networks is now reality. • Some mainstream in-car networks, e.g.
doc.: IEEE 82.18-02/013r0f IEEE 802 Local and Metropolitan Area Network Standards Committee Homepage at http://ieee802.org/ July 13, 2002 Reply to: Carl R.
Change Request Concerning the Definition of Coexistence March, 1994 DOC: IEEE P802.11-94/xxx March, 2002 IEEE P802.15-02/039r1 IEEE P802.15 Wireless Personal Area Networks Project IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Title Change Request Concerning the Definition of Coexistence Date Submitted 11 March, 2002 Source [Matthew Sherman] [AT&T Labs] Room 3K18, Bldg. 104 180 Park Avenue Florham Park, NJ 07932 Voice: 973-236-6925 Fax: 973-360-5877 E-mail: mjsherman@att.com Re: Proposed text for clause 3.1.2 of the Draft Recommended Practice Document Abstract This document contains proposed replacement text (with background and motivation) for the current text of clause 3.1.2 of the Draft Recommended Practice Document.
In the case of Ethernet, virtually the same upper layer protocols now support a medium that is 1000 times faster than the original fielded version.
I just got a response from Bikash and he says they do have 2 km links and he is getting frustrated with the IEEE second guessing this reality.  
doc.: IEEE 802.18-03-0041-00-0000 Before the FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20554 In the Matter of Revision of Parts 2 and 15 of the Commission’s Rules to Permit Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure (U‑NII) devices in the 5 GHz band ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ET Docket No. 03‑122 RM ‑ 10371 Via the ECFS Comments of IEEE 802 IEEE 802 hereby respectfully offers its Comments on the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (the “NPRM”) in the above-captioned Proceeding.
In the case of Ethernet, virtually the same upper layer protocols now support a medium that is 1000 times faster than the original fielded version.
I just got a response from Bikash and he says they do have 2 km links and he is getting frustrated with the IEEE second guessing this reality.
Change Request Concerning the Definition of Coexistence March, 1994 DOC: IEEE P802.11-94/xxx March, 2002 IEEE P802.15-02/072r2 IEEE P802.15 Wireless Personal Area Networks Project IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Title Change Request Concerning the Definition of Coexistence Date Submitted 11 March, 2002 Source [Matthew Sherman] [AT&T Labs] Room 3K18, Bldg. 104 180 Park Avenue Florham Park, NJ 07932 Voice: 973-236-6925 Fax: 973-360-5877 E-mail: mjsherman@att.com Re: Proposed text for clause 3.1.2 of the Draft Recommended Practice Document Abstract This document contains proposed replacement text (with background and motivation) for the current text of clause 3.1.2 of the Draft Recommended Practice Document.