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body=INFO%20STDS-802-21 > List-owner : < mailto:STDS-802-21-request@LISTSERV.IEEE.ORG > List-subscribe : < mailto:STDS-802-21-subscribe-request@LISTSERV.IEEE.ORG > List-unsubscribe : < mailto:STDS-802-21-unsubscribe-request@LISTSERV.IEEE.ORG > References : < AAC987F0CC2C7845A9FBD8A36D52E12DCBF042DC@rrc-ats-exmb2.ATS.ATSINNOVATE.com > Sender : stds-802-21@xxxxxxxx Dear Members, I uploaded IEEE 802.21 WG November meeting minutes on Mentor as in the following link: https://mentor.ieee.org/802.21/dcn/18/21-18-0077-00-0000-session-88-meeting-minutes.docx Regards, Hyeong Ho LEE 2018년 11월 16일 (금) 오후 6:47, Das, Subir < sdas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx >님이 작성: Dear Members, I am happy to inform you that IEEE 802 EC has approved the study group on 'Network Enablers for Seamless HMD-based VR (Virtual Reality) Content Service' in its November, 2018 closing plenary meeting. 
Study Group: Grant  the IEEE 802.21  Study Group on Network Enablers for Seamless HMD-based VR (Virtual Reality) Content Service.
., 4k and 8k video, virtual reality, etc.  2) In 5.5 Need for the Project: latency, stringent real-time delay and jitter are identified, but quantitative objectives are not specified.
I think I know the answer but would appreciate verification/denial. > Someone attends this week virtually.
Low Latency Requirements for NG-EPON Jun Shan Wey Li Quan Yuan Wei Liang Zhang Low Latency Services and Requirements for 100G EPON IEEE P802.3ca Task Force Meeting, March 2017 Vancouver BC, Canada March 2017 IEEE P802.3ca Task Force Meeting, Vancouver BC, Canada  In the Huntington Beach meeting, we discussed future services, which might require low latency and impact how standards should be specified (wey_3ca_01_0117)  Based on feedback from members, there is interest in further investigation of latency related topics  This contribution provides more detail on both bandwidth and latency requirements of mobile fronthaul for different 5G services and of virtual reality/augmented reality video streaming  We identified topics to develop in standards to support these services Motivation and purpose of this contribution March 2017 IEEE P802.3ca Task Force Meeting, Vancouver BC, Canada Mobile Fronthaul Evolution • What is mobile fronthaul?
Low Latency Requirements for NG-EPON Jun Shan Wey Li Quan Yuan Wei Liang Zhang Low Latency Services and Requirements for 100G EPON IEEE P802.3ca Task Force Meeting, March 2017 Vancouver BC, Canada March 2017 IEEE P802.3ca Task Force Meeting, Vancouver BC, Canada  In the Huntington Beach meeting, we discussed future services, which might require low latency and impact how standards should be specified (wey_3ca_01_0117)  Based on feedback from members, there is interest in further investigation of latency related topics  This contribution provides more detail on both bandwidth and latency requirements of mobile fronthaul for different 5G services and of virtual reality/augmented reality video streaming  We identified topics to develop in standards to support these services Motivation and purpose of this contribution March 2017 IEEE P802.3ca Task Force Meeting, Vancouver BC, Canada Mobile Fronthaul Evolution • What is mobile fronthaul?
Given the realities of today – I disagree with that.  
BUY NOW     ARTICLES OF INTEREST   Assessing Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality Together and Separately Augmented reality (AR) is in a good position because it has strong potential in both the enterprise and consumer sectors.
BUY NOW     ARTICLES OF INTEREST   Assessing Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality Together and Separately Augmented reality (AR) is in a good position because it has strong potential in both the enterprise and consumer sectors.
BUY NOW     ARTICLES OF INTEREST   Assessing Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality Together and Separately Augmented reality (AR) is in a good position because it has strong potential in both the enterprise and consumer sectors.
*Source: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/solutions/service-provider/visual-networking-index-vni/index.html http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/solutions/service-provider/visual-networking-index-vni/index.html December 8, 2016 Teleconference Page 16IEEE 802.3 NG-ECDC Ad Hoc Comparing Mobile Generations Source: Xinyuan Wang, Huawei, http://www.ieee802.org/3/ad_hoc/ngrates/public/ 16_09/wang_ecdc_01_0916.pdf http://www.ieee802.org/3/ad_hoc/ngrates/public/16_09/wang_ecdc_01_0916.pdf December 8, 2016 Teleconference Page 17IEEE 802.3 NG-ECDC Ad Hoc 5G Mobile Network Services • Enhanced Mobile Broadband • HD Video • Virtual Reality (VR) • Augmented Reality (AR) • Ultra-Reliable and Low-latency Communications (uRLLC), such as: • Assisted and Automated driving • Remote management • Massive Machine Type Communications (mMTC), such as: • Smart city • Smart agriculture Source: Xinyuan Wang, Huawei, http://www.ieee802.org/3/ad_hoc/ngrates/public/16_11/wang_ecdc_01a_1116.pdf http://www.ieee802.org/3/ad_hoc/ngrates/public/16_11/wang_ecdc_01a_1116.pdf “Beyond 10km” OpticsStrawman (CFI)“The Need” Introduction Reminder – Objective for a CFI Consensuus Meeting “The Need for Optical PMDs Beyond 10km” Extended Reach Ethernet Modules The Need for Optics Beyond 10km Reach State of IEEE 802.3 Ethernet P2P SMF Standards The Industry State of Ethernet P2P Links Example - Mobile Backhaul Networks Carrier Input Carrier Input – Reach Targets Example - Inter-Building Connections Example - Regional Data Center Architecture Backup – Mobile Bandwidth Drivers Re-visiting Cisco VNI* Comparing Mobile Generations 5G Mobile Network Services
Virtually all VCSELs made for datacom are at 850 - 940 nm with more than two decades of operation in the field.  
Page 2 5G Mobile Network Services  Enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB), such as:  High Definition (HD) videos with cloud storage  Virtual Reality (VR)  Augmented Reality (AR)  Ultra-Reliable and Low-latency Communications (uRLLC), such as:  Assisted and Automated driving  Remote management  Massive Machine Type Communications (mMTC), such as:  Smart city  Smart agriculture http://www.huawei.com/minisite/5g/img/5G_Nework_Architecture_A_High_Level_View_en.pdf http://www.huawei.com/minisite/5g/img/5G_Nework_Architecture_A_High_Level_View_en.pdf HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.
More stringent requirements are needed to meet the demands of new applications (including metaverse [1], augmented and virtual reality [2], robotics, industrial automation for industrial IoT, logistics and smart agriculture [3]) and to improve reliability (i.e., stable and consistent connectivity and quality of service).
liu_effenberger_3ca_1_0317_Accurate Synchronization in 100G-EPON www.huawei.com IEEE 802.3ca 100G-EPON Task Force Meeting, March 14-16, 2017 Accurate Synchronization in 100G-EPON Xiang Liu and Frank Effenberger Futurewei Technologies, Huawei R&D USA IEEE 802.3ca 100G-EPON Task Force Meeting, March 14-16, 2017 2 In the IEEE 802.3ca 100G-EPON Task Force Meeting in January 2017, it was suggested to examine how low latency requirements for future services, such as 5G mobile backhaul/fronthaul and virtual reality/augmented reality videos, would impact NG-EPON standards (wey_3ca_1_0117).
More stringent requirements are needed to meet the demands of new applications (including metaverse [1], augmented and virtual reality [2], robotics, industrial automation for industrial IoT, logistics and smart agriculture [3]).
New high-throughput, low latency applications will proliferate such as virtual reality or augmented reality, gaming, remote office and cloud computing (e.g., latency lower than 5 ms for realtime gaming).
Data points from the VNI report include:   · Live video is expected to grow 15 times · Video surveillance will grow seven-fold · Consumer Video on Demand (VoD) will nearly double In addition, the emerging areas of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are expected to add to the data growth.
The amendment will also aim at reducing worst case latency and jitter to improve support for time sensitive applications such virtual reality, augmented reality, gaming, etc.
Ok, back to reality
Study Group: Grant  the IEEE 802.21  Study Group on Network Enablers for Seamless HMD-based VR (Virtual Reality) Content Service.
• Or are the end-users in reality satisfied with currently available modules and using them book-ended?
What is the reality of the rest of the industry?
Study Group: Grant  the IEEE 802.21  Study Group on Network Enablers for Seamless HMD-based VR (Virtual Reality) Content Service.
In reality, we don't usually consider this a problem, because we assume the cabling to be well-behaved in alien noise coupling as the frequency increases.