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Extensive deployment of end-user-owned AFNs can obviate negative outcomes, result in open-systems networks, create virtually costless transport over the networks and greatly encourage peering, while facilitating the rapid evolution of the Telecommunications infrastructure -- and the Internet -- into the “Big Broadband” era.
MORE OF THE SAME….. 29 Oct 2020 IEEE 802.3 NEA Ad hoc - Beyond 400 Gb/s Ethernet CFI Consensus Presentation 2020 2021 2022 S ta nd ar ds In fr as tr uc tu re D ev ic es S oc ia l ne tw or ki ng A pp lic at io ns Pl at fo rm s & S ci en ce You Are Here 2023 2024 2026 2027 20282025 Beyond 400 Gb/s Ethernet  More users  More and faster 5G mobile  More video & higher resolution  More and faster devices  More data  More applications  More networked science  Artificial Intelligence & ML  Beyond 100 GbE servers Page 15 COVID-19 TRENDS, APRIL 2020 29 Oct 2020 IEEE 802.3 NEA Ad hoc - Beyond 400 Gb/s Ethernet CFI Consensus Presentation Electronic Payment New Virtual Experiences Work from Home Security Telemedicine & Virtual Fitness Shopping, Food, Meal Delivery Play from Home SOURCE: Zoom ▲2,000%+ SOURCE: CNN ▲50% SOURCE: CNBC Verizon ▲75% SOURCE: Facebook ▲50% SOURCE: Teledoc ▲100%+ SOURCE: FierceWireless ▲35% CAGR data from various industry sources and Inphi estimates Socialize & Learn from Home Stream from Home SOURCE: GlobalWedIndex ▲52% SOURCE: Sensor Tower ▲322% 62% rate SOURCE: Thomson Reuters; Ipsos Data and Traffic Source - Inphi blog post 'Bandwidth in the Age of COVID-19' posted 22nd April 2020 by Ford Tamer, President and CEO, Inphi Corporation Page 16 https://blog.zoom.us/wordpress/2020/04/01/a-message-to-our-users/ https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/24/tech/contactless-payment-limit-covid-gbr-intl-scli/index.html https://www.statista.com/statistics/1108378/coronavirus-impact-online-traffic-usa-category/ https://about.fb.com/news/2020/03/keeping-our-apps-stable-during-covid-19/ https://ir.teladochealth.com/news-and-events/investor-news/press-release-details/2020/Teladoc-Health-Previews-First-Quarter-2020-Results/default.aspx https://www.fiercewireless.com/wireless/networks-could-see-home-internet-traffic-remain-high-after-crisis?
DRAF T DE VELO PMEN T - FI NAL VERS ION P ENDI NG MORE OF THE SAME….. 14 Sept 2020 IEEE 802.3 NEA Ad hoc - Draft Development - Beyond 400 GbE CFI Consensus Presentation 2020 2021 2022 S ta nd ar ds In fr as tr uc tu re D ev ic es S oc ia l ne tw or ki ng A pp lic at io ns Pl at fo rm s & S ci en ce You Are Here 2023 2024 2026 2027 20282025 Beyond 400 GbE  More users  More and faster 5G mobile  More video & higher resolution  More and faster devices  More data  More applications  More networked science  Artificial Intelligence & ML  Beyond 100 GbE servers Page 14 DRAF T DE VELO PMEN T - FI NAL VERS ION P ENDI NG COVID-19 TRENDS, APRIL 2020 14 Sept 2020 IEEE 802.3 NEA Ad hoc - Draft Development - Beyond 400 GbE CFI Consensus Presentation Electronic Payment New Virtual Experiences Work from Home Security Telemedicine & Virtual Fitness Shopping, Food, Meal Delivery Play from Home SOURCE: Zoom ▲2,000%+ SOURCE: CNN ▲50% SOURCE: CNBC Verizon ▲75% SOURCE: Facebook ▲50% SOURCE: Teledoc ▲100%+ SOURCE: FierceWireless ▲35% CAGR data from various industry sources and Inphi estimates Socialize & Learn from Home Stream from Home SOURCE: GlobalWedIndex ▲52% SOURCE: Sensor Tower ▲322% 62% rate SOURCE: Thomson Reuters; Ipsos Data and Traffic Source - Inphi blog post 'Bandwidth in the Age of COVID-19' posted 22nd April 2020 by Ford Tamer, President and CEO, Inphi Corporation Page 15 DRAF T DE VELO PMEN T - FI NAL VERS ION P ENDI NG https://blog.zoom.us/wordpress/2020/04/01/a-message-to-our-users/ https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/24/tech/contactless-payment-limit-covid-gbr-intl-scli/index.html https://www.statista.com/statistics/1108378/coronavirus-impact-online-traffic-usa-category/ https://about.fb.com/news/2020/03/keeping-our-apps-stable-during-covid-19/ https://ir.teladochealth.com/news-and-events/investor-news/press-release-details/2020/Teladoc-Health-Previews-First-Quarter-2020-Results/default.aspx https://www.fiercewireless.com/wireless/networks-could-see-home-internet-traffic-remain-high-after-crisis?
Recommended Practice for Coexistence of Broadband Wireless Access Systems IEEE 802.16.2-00/01r9, 6 October 2000 1 This is an unapproved IEEE 802.16 Task Group 2 document being circulated for comment.
Changes to the standard to implement Virtual Collision was described.
May 3,1991 Doc: IEEE P802.11/91-42 Tentative Minutes of the IEEE P802.11 Working Group Plenary Meeting Hilton Head Island, SC March 11-14, 1991 Monday, March 11, 1991, Afternoon.
.: IEEE 802.15-04/010r0 Submission Executive Summary of Results • Analysis, simulations, and measurements for wideband fixed satellite services (FSS) systems all come up with the same results − Interference from MB-OFDM waveforms is actually less than levels of interference caused by waveforms already allowed by the rules − Differences between all waveforms is on the order of 2-3 dB • There is virtually no difference between DSSS, WGN, MB-OFDM, and impulse-UWB waveforms into narrowband receivers (less than 2.5 MHz) • MB-OFDM waveforms can cause less interference than impulse radios in wideband receivers − MB-OFDM is ~ 1 dB better than 1 MHz PRF impulse radio • WGN can cause less interference than MB-OFDM into wideband receivers − Difference between MB-OFDM and WGN interference is less than 1.5 dB under realistic operating conditions WGN-like source MB-OFDM source Impulse radio source Minimum separation distance +1.5dB +1 dB Clearly allowed under current rules January 2004 Roberto Aiello, Staccato-Gadi Shor, Wisair, et elSlide 8 doc.: IEEE 802.15-04/010r0 Submission Substantial Interference Margin Exists with Current FCC Limits • FCC/NTIA Interference results for various US government systems: Table taken directly from Final R&O and using the indoor mask Most systems have substantial margin available *: Most Direct TV/DSS/DTH receivers usually do not operate in 3.7-4.2 GHz C- band.
.: IEEE 802.15-04/010r2 Submission Executive Summary of Results • Analysis, simulations, and measurements for wideband fixed satellite services (FSS) systems all come up with the same results − Interference from MB-OFDM waveforms is actually less than levels of interference caused by waveforms already allowed by the rules − Differences between all waveforms is on the order of 2-3 dB • There is virtually no difference between DSSS, WGN, MB-OFDM, and impulse-UWB waveforms into narrowband receivers (less than 2.5 MHz) • MB-OFDM waveforms can cause less interference than impulse radios in wideband receivers − MB-OFDM is ~ 1 dB better than 1 MHz PRF impulse radio • WGN can cause less interference than MB-OFDM into wideband receivers − Difference between MB-OFDM and WGN interference is less than 1.5 dB under realistic operating conditions WGN-like source MB-OFDM source Impulse radio source Minimum separation distance +1.5dB +1 dB Clearly allowed under current rules January 2004 Roberto Aiello, Staccato-Gadi Shor, Wisair, et elSlide 8 doc.: IEEE 802.15-04/010r2 Submission Substantial Interference Margin Exists with Current FCC Limits • FCC/NTIA Interference results for various US government systems: Table taken directly from Final R&O and using the indoor mask Most systems have substantial margin available *: Most Direct TV/DSS/DTH receivers usually do not operate in 3.7-4.2 GHz C- band.
.: IEEE 802.15-04/010r0 Submission Executive Summary of Results • Analysis, simulations, and measurements for wideband fixed satellite services (FSS) systems all come up with the same results − Interference from MB-OFDM waveforms is actually less than levels of interference caused by waveforms already allowed by the rules − Differences between all waveforms is on the order of 2-3 dB • There is virtually no difference between DSSS, WGN, MB-OFDM, and impulse-UWB waveforms into narrowband receivers (less than 2.5 MHz) • MB-OFDM waveforms can cause less interference than impulse radios in wideband receivers − MB-OFDM is ~ 1 dB better than 1 MHz PRF impulse radio • WGN can cause less interference than MB-OFDM into wideband receivers − Difference between MB-OFDM and WGN interference is less than 1.5 dB under realistic operating conditions WGN-like source MB-OFDM source Impulse radio source Minimum separation distance +1.5dB +1 dB Clearly allowed under current rules January 2004 Roberto Aiello, Staccato-Gadi Shor, Wisair, et elSlide 8 doc.: IEEE 802.15-04/010r0 Submission Substantial Interference Margin Exists with Current FCC Limits • FCC/NTIA Interference results for various US government systems: Table taken directly from Final R&O and using the indoor mask Most systems have substantial margin available *: Most Direct TV/DSS/DTH receivers usually do not operate in 3.7-4.2 GHz C- band.
.: IEEE 802.15-04/010r2 Submission Executive Summary of Results • Analysis, simulations, and measurements for wideband fixed satellite services (FSS) systems all come up with the same results − Interference from MB-OFDM waveforms is actually less than levels of interference caused by waveforms already allowed by the rules − Differences between all waveforms is on the order of 2-3 dB • There is virtually no difference between DSSS, WGN, MB-OFDM, and impulse-UWB waveforms into narrowband receivers (less than 2.5 MHz) • MB-OFDM waveforms can cause less interference than impulse radios in wideband receivers − MB-OFDM is ~ 1 dB better than 1 MHz PRF impulse radio • WGN can cause less interference than MB-OFDM into wideband receivers − Difference between MB-OFDM and WGN interference is less than 1.5 dB under realistic operating conditions WGN-like source MB-OFDM source Impulse radio source Minimum separation distance +1.5dB +1 dB Clearly allowed under current rules January 2004 Roberto Aiello, Staccato-Gadi Shor, Wisair, et elSlide 8 doc.: IEEE 802.15-04/010r2 Submission Substantial Interference Margin Exists with Current FCC Limits • FCC/NTIA Interference results for various US government systems: Table taken directly from Final R&O and using the indoor mask Most systems have substantial margin available *: Most Direct TV/DSS/DTH receivers usually do not operate in 3.7-4.2 GHz C- band.
The amendment will also aim at reducing worst case latency and jitter to improve support for time sensitive applications such virtual reality, augmented reality, gaming, etc.
untitled     i Copyright © 2018 IEEE.
Minutes for IEEE 802.15 SG3a Teleconferences March to May 2002 March, 1994 DOC: IEEE P802.11-94/xxx May 2002 IEEE P802.15-02/166r8-SG3a IEEE P802.15 Wireless Personal Area Networks Project IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Title Minutes for IEEE 802.15 SG3a Teleconferences March to May 2002 Date Submitted [08 May, 2002] Source [Matthew Welborn] [XtremeSpectrum] [address] Voice: [ ] Fax: [ ] E-mail: [ ] Re: [] Abstract [Minutes for the SG3a teleconferences between the St.
Minutes for IEEE 802.15 SG3a Teleconferences March to May 2002 March, 1994 DOC: IEEE P802.11-94/xxx April 2002 IEEE P802.15-02/166r5-SG3a IEEE P802.15 Wireless Personal Area Networks Project IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Title Minutes for IEEE 802.15 SG3a Teleconferences March to May 2002 Date Submitted [24 April, 2002] Source [Matthew Welborn] [XtremeSpectrum] [address] Voice: [ ] Fax: [ ] E-mail: [ ] Re: [] Abstract [Minutes for the SG3a teleconferences between the St.
Minutes for IEEE 802.15 SG3a Teleconferences March to May 2002 March, 1994 DOC: IEEE P802.11-94/xxx April 2002 IEEE P802.15-02/166r5-SG3a IEEE P802.15 Wireless Personal Area Networks Project IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Title Minutes for IEEE 802.15 SG3a Teleconferences March to May 2002 Date Submitted [24 April, 2002] Source [Matthew Welborn] [XtremeSpectrum] [address] Voice: [ ] Fax: [ ] E-mail: [ ] Re: [] Abstract [Minutes for the SG3a teleconferences between the St.
doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/291 September 2000 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/291 IEEE P802.11 Wireless LANs Minutes of 802.11 Task Group E MAC Enhancements Date: September 18, 2000 Author: Tim Godfrey Intersil Phone: 913-706-3777 Fax: 913-664-2545 e-Mail: tgodfrey@intersil.com Minutes of the IEEE P802.11 Task Group E MAC Enhancements September 18 - 22, 2000 Radisson Resort and Spa, Scottsdale, AZ 1.
Minutes for IEEE 802.15 SG3a Teleconferences March to May 2002 March, 1994 DOC: IEEE P802.11-94/xxx May 2002 IEEE P802.15-02/166r7-SG3a IEEE P802.15 Wireless Personal Area Networks Project IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Title Minutes for IEEE 802.15 SG3a Teleconferences March to May 2002 Date Submitted [08 May, 2002] Source [Matthew Welborn] [XtremeSpectrum] [address] Voice: [ ] Fax: [ ] E-mail: [ ] Re: [] Abstract [Minutes for the SG3a teleconferences between the St.
Minutes for IEEE 802.15 SG3a Teleconferences March to May 2002 March, 1994 DOC: IEEE P802.11-94/xxx April 2002 IEEE P802.15-02/166r6-SG3a IEEE P802.15 Wireless Personal Area Networks Project IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Title Minutes for IEEE 802.15 SG3a Teleconferences March to May 2002 Date Submitted [01 May, 2002] Source [Matthew Welborn] [XtremeSpectrum] [address] Voice: [ ] Fax: [ ] E-mail: [ ] Re: [] Abstract [Minutes for the SG3a teleconferences between the St.
Minutes for IEEE 802.15 SG3a Teleconferences March to May 2002 March, 1994 DOC: IEEE P802.11-94/xxx May 2002 IEEE P802.15-02/166r7-SG3a IEEE P802.15 Wireless Personal Area Networks Project IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Title Minutes for IEEE 802.15 SG3a Teleconferences March to May 2002 Date Submitted [08 May, 2002] Source [Matthew Welborn] [XtremeSpectrum] [address] Voice: [ ] Fax: [ ] E-mail: [ ] Re: [] Abstract [Minutes for the SG3a teleconferences between the St.
Minutes for IEEE 802.15 SG3a Teleconferences March to May 2002 March, 1994 DOC: IEEE P802.11-94/xxx May 2002 IEEE P802.15-02/166r8-SG3a IEEE P802.15 Wireless Personal Area Networks Project IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Title Minutes for IEEE 802.15 SG3a Teleconferences March to May 2002 Date Submitted [08 May, 2002] Source [Matthew Welborn] [XtremeSpectrum] [address] Voice: [ ] Fax: [ ] E-mail: [ ] Re: [] Abstract [Minutes for the SG3a teleconferences between the St.
Minutes for IEEE 802.15 SG3a Teleconferences March to May 2002 March, 1994 DOC: IEEE P802.11-94/xxx April 2002 IEEE P802.15-02/166r6-SG3a IEEE P802.15 Wireless Personal Area Networks Project IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Title Minutes for IEEE 802.15 SG3a Teleconferences March to May 2002 Date Submitted [01 May, 2002] Source [Matthew Welborn] [XtremeSpectrum] [address] Voice: [ ] Fax: [ ] E-mail: [ ] Re: [] Abstract [Minutes for the SG3a teleconferences between the St.
[Case 2]: This case can be treated as there is a virtual transmitter at the reflecting point on the wall.
[Case 2]: This case can be treated as there is a virtual transmitter at the reflecting point on the wall.
RevCom Submission of IEEE P802.16a/D7 2002-12-09 IEEE 802.16-02/72 IEEE 802.16 Working Group on Broadband Wireless Access http://WirelessMAN.org Dr.
DRA FT D EVE LOP MEN T - F INAL VER SION PEN DING MORE OF THE SAME….. 12 Oct 2020 IEEE 802.3 NEA Ad hoc - Draft Development - Beyond 400 GbE CFI Consensus Presentation 2020 2021 2022 S ta nd ar ds In fr as tr uc tu re D ev ic es S oc ia l ne tw or ki ng A pp lic at io ns Pl at fo rm s & S ci en ce You Are Here 2023 2024 2026 2027 20282025 Beyond 400 GbE  More users  More and faster 5G mobile  More video & higher resolution  More and faster devices  More data  More applications  More networked science  Artificial Intelligence & ML  Beyond 100 GbE servers Page 16 DRA FT D EVE LOP MEN T - F INAL VER SION PEN DING COVID-19 TRENDS, APRIL 2020 12 Oct 2020 IEEE 802.3 NEA Ad hoc - Draft Development - Beyond 400 GbE CFI Consensus Presentation Electronic Payment New Virtual Experiences Work from Home Security Telemedicine & Virtual Fitness Shopping, Food, Meal Delivery Play from Home SOURCE: Zoom ▲2,000%+ SOURCE: CNN ▲50% SOURCE: CNBC Verizon ▲75% SOURCE: Facebook ▲50% SOURCE: Teledoc ▲100%+ SOURCE: FierceWireless ▲35% CAGR data from various industry sources and Inphi estimates Socialize & Learn from Home Stream from Home SOURCE: GlobalWedIndex ▲52% SOURCE: Sensor Tower ▲322% 62% rate SOURCE: Thomson Reuters; Ipsos Data and Traffic Source - Inphi blog post 'Bandwidth in the Age of COVID-19' posted 22nd April 2020 by Ford Tamer, President and CEO, Inphi Corporation Page 17 DRA FT D EVE LOP MEN T - F INAL VER SION PEN DING https://blog.zoom.us/wordpress/2020/04/01/a-message-to-our-users/ https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/24/tech/contactless-payment-limit-covid-gbr-intl-scli/index.html https://www.statista.com/statistics/1108378/coronavirus-impact-online-traffic-usa-category/ https://about.fb.com/news/2020/03/keeping-our-apps-stable-during-covid-19/ https://ir.teladochealth.com/news-and-events/investor-news/press-release-details/2020/Teladoc-Health-Previews-First-Quarter-2020-Results/default.aspx https://www.fiercewireless.com/wireless/networks-could-see-home-internet-traffic-remain-high-after-crisis?