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It has been noted by the WG that "there may be editorial changes as a result of late-arriving 1609 WG review, but these docs are stable technically."
The IEEE 1609™ WAVE (Wireless Access in Vehicular Environ- ments) standards that govern this system provide for seamless networking among WAVE devices.
body=INFO%20STDS-RAC > List-owner : < mailto:STDS-RAC-request@LISTSERV.IEEE.ORG > List-subscribe : < mailto:STDS-RAC-subscribe-request@LISTSERV.IEEE.ORG > List-unsubscribe : < mailto:STDS-RAC-unsubscribe-request@LISTSERV.IEEE.ORG > References : < OF01F5F8BC.90C37696-ON85257657.0069592C-85257657.0069AA56@xxxxxxxx > < 4AE0B49D.8030207@xxxxxxxx > Sender : stds-rac@xxxxxxxx Registration is still needed but changed from 1609.3 to 1609.0, I said non-normative document, but that may change as we develop 1609.0 following the approval of the other 1609 documents.
Seems to be out of placed based on other content in 2.3. from Tom Kurihara to everyone: Separate the RAC role and responsibility as a subcommittee of the RA and role and responsibility when delegated to act as an RA by the IEEE RA. from Tom Kurihara to everyone: ISO TC204 had established the ITS-AID before that the 1609 was created.
I will be returning from the San Diego 1609 WG meeting on the 11th to Orlando and will be in Orlando for the remainder of the week.
Further MAC changes are designed to support other higher layer protocols that are designed for the vehicular environment, such as the set of IEEE 1609™ standards for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments For further information on IEEE 802.11p™, visit http://standards.ieee.org/prod-serv.
The IEEE 1609™ WAVE (Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments) standards that govern this system provide for seamless networking among WAVE devices.
MOTIONS & STRAWPOLLS MOTIONS & STRAWPOLLS P802.3ca 1609 Fort Worth TX Motion # 1 Approve the agenda for Task Force meeting to be held Sep 13-15 2016, in Fort Worth TX located in file http://www.ieee802.org/3/ca/public/meeting_archive/2016 /09/agenda_3ca_1a_0916.pdf Moved: Duane Remein Seconded: Mark Laubach For: Against: Abstain: Procedural (> 50%) Motion: Passes Motion # 2 Approve the Minutes for Task Force meeting held Jul 2016, in San Diego CA located in file http://www.ieee802.org/3/ca/public/meeting_archive/2016 /07/minutes_unapproved_3ca_0716.pdf Moved: Duane Remein Seconded: Glen Kramer For: Against: Abstain: Procedural (> 50%) Motion: Passes Motion # 3 Modify text in Approved May meeting Minutes in file http://www.ieee802.org/3/ca/public/meeting_archive/201 6/07/minutes_approved_3ca_0516.pdf to read: Move to adopt NRZ modulation at the transmitter for each 25Gb/s channel located in the O band.
MANDATORY RAC COORDINATION: P1609.12™/D6 Thread Links Date Links Thread Prev Thread Next Thread Index Date Prev Date Next Date Index MANDATORY RAC COORDINATION: P1609.12™/D6 To : stds-rac < stds-rac@xxxxxxxx > Subject : MANDATORY RAC COORDINATION: P1609.12™/D6 From : Angela Thomas < a.n.thomas@xxxxxxxx > Date : Thu, 24 Jan 2019 08:21:44 -0500 Hello all, This e-mail is to advise you of the opening of the IEEE Standards Sponsor Ballot for: P1609.12 Title: Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE)-Identifiers Scope: This standard defines identifiers for use with the IEEE 1609(TM) series of standards. ***** IMPORTANT ***** This is a Revision Ballot.
"The MAC changes are designed to support the higher layer protocols that are defined for the vehicular environment the set of IEEE 1609(tm) standards."
Roger On May 8, 2019 at 8:21:26 AM, Angela Thomas ( a.n.thomas@xxxxxxxx ) wrote: Hello all, This e-mail is to advise you of the opening of IEEE Standards Sponsor Revision Ballot Recirculation - 1 for: Title: Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE)-Identifiers Scope: This standard defines identifiers for use with the IEEE 1609(TM) series of standards.   
I don’t know that IEEE has ever given an IEEE RA administered registry to another authority before, yet that is one possibility in resolving WG 1609 and TC 204 coordination.  
My request to you, as the 1609 WG Sponsor, to submit my name in nomination to serve on the IEEE RAC as the point of contact for matters related to the registration and assignment of PSID values.
I’ll note that we have several topics that are related to other work, however, that may need to stay coordinated, so if anyone has any thoughts on the following, where we should discuss the topic in ARC to allow other parallel work to continue and still stay coordinated, please let me know: TGbd’s activities in support of IEEE 1609 Nendica and TGbe’s discussion on 802.11 Deterministic Network/Time-Sensitive Networking 802.1’s work on clarifying EPD/LPD.
Thank you,   Claudio       Move to approve resolutions to the following CIDs listed in the following document and incorporate the text changes into the latest TGbf draft:   1177, 1178, 1179, 1180, 1181, 1182, 1183, 1184, 1185, 1186, 1187, 1188, 1189, 1190, 1191, 1192, 1193, 1194, 1195, 1196, 1197, 1198, 1199, 1200, 1201, 1202, 1203, 1204, 1206, 1207, 1208, 1075, 1507, 1859, 1888, 1521, 1683, 1910, 1993, 1076, 1264, 1508, 1522, 1889, 1911, 1509, 1607, 1916, 2001, 2220, 1684, 1240, 1131, 1135, 1139, 1143, 1146, 1157, 1253, 1255, 1256, 1259, 1257, 1169, 1876, 2116, 1582, 1583, 1875, 2179, 2112, 1125, 1129, 1379, 1867, 1614, 2203, 2073, 1837, 1835, 1836, 1413, 1444, 1823, 1693, 1959, 1116, 1872, 1588, 2154, 1915, 1531, 2201, 1725, 1010, 1559, 1085, 1104, 1734, 2114, 2115, 1498, 1506, 1634, 1596, 1260, 1252, 1261, 1254, 1590, 2117, 2138, 1887, 2268, 1546, 2198, 1603, 1920, 1117, 1034, 1698, 1078, 1913, 1600, 2197, 1132, 1133, 1669, 1137, 1140, 1918, 2043, 2157, 1921, 1852, 1244, 1545, 1650, 1247, 1628, 2067, 1414, 1832, 2142, 1170, 1609, 2167, 2033   in 23/0510r0.
Talk to you later, Marc Discussion order Year DCN Rev Group Title Author (Affiliation) 1 2020 1593 1 TGbc Proposed text for clause 6 and other updates related to UL broadcast usecase Abhishek Patil (Qualcomm) 2.1 2020 1525 0 TGbc MLME for eBCS Termination Xiaofei WANG (InterDigital) 2.2 2020 1524 0 TGbc MLME for eBCS negotiation Xiaofei WANG (InterDigital) 8 2020 1613 1 TGbc D0.2 Editorial Comments Hitoshi Morioka (SRC Software) 9 2020 1516 1 TGbc pics and mib text proposal Stephen McCann (Huawei) 10 2020 1671 1 TGbc Revision of Enhanced Broadcast Services ANQP-element Antonio de la Oliva (InterDigital) 11 2020 1609 0 TGbc Modification of eBCS Info frame Hitoshi Morioka (SRC Software) Join the Webex meeting here: https://ieeesa.webex.com/ieeesa/j.php?
Search RAC Email Archives: Date Index First Page Prev Page Next Page Last Page Re: MANDATORY RAC COORDINATION: P1588™/D1.1 , (continued) Mon, 30 Jan 2017 20:54:46 -0500 (EST) Message not available Re: MANDATORY RAC COORDINATION: P1588™/D1.1 , ROBERT GROW Re: MANDATORY RAC COORDINATION: P1588™/D1.1 , ROBERT GROW Re: MANDATORY RAC COORDINATION: P1588™/D1.1 , Geoffrey Garner Message not available Re: MANDATORY RAC COORDINATION: P1588™/D1.1 , ROBERT GROW Re: MANDATORY RAC COORDINATION: P1588™/D1.1 , Geoffrey Garner Message not available Re: MANDATORY RAC COORDINATION: P1588™/D1.1 , ROBERT GROW Re: MANDATORY RAC COORDINATION: P1588™/D1.1 , Geoffrey Garner Re: MANDATORY RAC COORDINATION: P1588™/D1.1 , Angela Thomas Re: MANDATORY RAC COORDINATION: P1588™/D1.1 , Geoffrey Garner Re: MANDATORY RAC COORDINATION: P1588™/D1.1 , Angela Thomas MANDATORY RAC COORDINATION: IEEE P802c/D2.0 , Angela Thomas Wed, 25 Jan 2017 09:55:40 -0500 (EST) MANDATORY RAC COORDINATION: P1588™/D1.1 , Angela Thomas Wed, 18 Jan 2017 15:22:01 -0500 (EST) Re: MANDATORY RAC COORDINATION: P1588™/D1.1 , Geoffrey Garner Re: MANDATORY RAC COORDINATION: P1588™/D1.1 , Geoffrey Garner Re: MANDATORY RAC COORDINATION: P1588™/D1.1 , Angela Thomas Fwd: 2017 Pocket Directory draft - Action Required , Angela Thomas Tue, 17 Jan 2017 12:28:50 -0500 (EST) Open Ethertype Issues - Response and/or feedback requested by January 27th , Karen Lambert Tue, 10 Jan 2017 13:56:57 -0500 (EST) Re: Open Ethertype Issues - Response and/or feedback requested by January 27th , ROBERT GROW Re: Open Ethertype Issues - Response and/or feedback requested by January 27th , Pat Thaler Re: Open Ethertype Issues - Response and/or feedback requested by January 27th , Karen Lambert Re: Open Ethertype Issues - Response and/or feedback requested by January 27th , Karen Lambert Re: Open Ethertype Issues - Response and/or feedback requested by January 27th , Karen Lambert Re: Open Ethertype Issues - Response and/or feedback requested by January 27th , tkstds Re: Open Ethertype Issues - Response and/or feedback requested by January 27th , Pat Thaler REMINDER: PSID Allocation Process and criteria (from 1609 WG) , Angela Thomas Mon, 19 Dec 2016 17:45:40 -0500 (EST) Return to top of Page Mail converted by MHonArc
comment_changes.xls September 5, 2008 Changes to comments submitted against D2.0 Page 1 of 1 CommentID Original Clause Current Clause CommentID Original Clause Current Clause CommentID Original Type Current Type 1569 0 30 1624 0 76 1586 E T 1571 0 45 1625 0 76 1601 E T 1572 0 45 1626 0 76 1604 E T 1573 0 45 1627 0 76 1635 ER TR 1574 0 45 1628 0 76 1636 ER TR 1575 0 45 1629 0 77 1650 ER TR 1576 0 56 1630 0 77 1651 ER TR 1577 0 56 1632 0 1 1673 E T 1578 0 56 1633 0 31A 1690 E T 1579 0 56 1634 0 45 1692 E T 1580 0 56 1635 0 45 1693 E T 1581 0 66 1636 0 45 1714 E T 1582 0 66 1637 0 45 1719 ER TR 1583 0 66 1638 0 45 1752 E T 1584 0 66 1639 0 45 2018 ER TR 1585 0 75 1640 0 56 2109 E T 1586 0 75 1641 0 56 2111 E T 1587 0 75 1642 0 56 2113 E T 1588 0 75 1643 0 56 2115 E T 1589 0 75 1644 0 56 2153 E T 1590 0 75 1645 0 56 2170 E T 1591 0 75 1646 0 56 2174 E T 1592 0 75 1647 0 56 2175 E T 1593 0 75 1648 0 56 2176 E T 1594 0 75 1649 0 56 2269 E T 1595 0 75 1650 0 56 2270 E T 1596 0 75 1651 0 56 2407 E T 1597 0 75 1652 0 75 1598 0 75 1653 0 75 1599 0 75 1654 0 75 1600 0 75 1655 0 75 1601 0 75 1656 0 75 1602 0 75 1657 0 75 1603 0 75 1658 0 75 1604 0 75 1659 0 75 1605 0 75 1660 0 75 1606 0 75 1661 0 75 1607 0 75 1662 0 75 1608 0 75 1663 0 66 1609 0 75 1664 0 75 1610 0 75 1766 75 0 1611 0 75 1773 76 0 1612 0 75 1908 1 0 1613 0 76 1942 76 0 1614 0 76 1955 76 0 1615 0 76 1982 56 0 1616 0 76 1999 77 0 1617 0 76 2016 75 0 1618 0 76 2017 75 0 1619 0 76 2048 76 76A 1620 0 76 2122 76 77 1621 0 76 2368 0 75 1622 0 76 2374 76 1 1623 0 76 2379 0 75 Changes to Comment Clause (1) Changes to Comment TypeChanges to Comment Clause (2)
The files that are located at https://ieee.app.box.com/folder/166341576611 were approved by the 1609 WG today.
Garner RE: OUI tiers , Bob Davis Re: OUI Consumption (Virtualization) Discussion , Geoff Thompson Thu, 21 Apr 2011 13:37:52 -0400 (EDT) Re: OUI Consumption (Virtualization) Discussion , a . n . thomas IEEE P802.3.1 RAC Coordination , a . n . thomas Thu, 7 Apr 2011 08:45:26 -0400 (EDT) RE: IEEE P802.3.1 RAC Coordination , Bob Davis Re: IEEE P802.3.1 RAC Coordination , Geoff Thompson RE: IEEE P802.3.1 RAC Coordination , Bob Davis Message not available RE: IEEE P802.3.1 RAC Coordination , Bob Davis Message not available Re: IEEE P802.3.1 RAC Coordination , Geoff Thompson IEEE P802.11ad , Clint Chaplin Tue, 5 Apr 2011 16:37:05 -0400 (EDT) March 2011 RAC Report , a . n . thomas Mon, 4 Apr 2011 09:24:26 -0400 (EDT) Fw: About a MAC address on virtual network device , a . n . thomas Wed, 30 Mar 2011 10:41:05 -0400 (EDT) RE: About a MAC address on virtual network device , Bob Davis Re: About a MAC address on virtual network device , Geoff Thompson Re: About a MAC address on virtual network device , Leonard Tsai RAC rules update , Glenn Parsons Wed, 23 Mar 2011 15:34:10 -0400 (EDT) IEEE 1609 WG and SAE agreement , a . n . thomas Mon, 21 Mar 2011 09:59:22 -0400 (EDT) Physical entity vs. software language , a . n . thomas Fri, 11 Mar 2011 13:34:33 -0500 (EST) RE: Physical entity vs. software language , Bob Davis Cloud computing and virtual machines question , a . n . thomas Mon, 7 Mar 2011 13:42:26 -0500 (EST) Return to top of Page Mail converted by MHonArc
If you have any feedback on the 1609 links that are in the July RAC meeting agenda, please send them to us if you have time. 
An example of higher layer specifications is the set of IEEE 1609™ standards.
The IEEE 1609™ WAVE (Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments) standards that govern this system provide for seamless networking among WAVE devices.
Roger On May 8, 2019 at 8:21:26 AM, Angela Thomas ( a.n.thomas@xxxxxxxx ) wrote: Hello all, This e-mail is to advise you of the opening of IEEE Standards Sponsor Revision Ballot Recirculation - 1 for: Title: Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE)-Identifiers Scope: This standard defines identifiers for use with the IEEE 1609(TM) series of standards.   
If you feel appropriate, please pass this information on to the members of your respective WGs (IEEE 802.11, IEEE 802.18, IEEE 1609).