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LMSC SEC minutes, 11MAR96 AGENDA & MINUTES (Unconfirmed) - IEEE 802 LMSC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING Friday, July 25, 2003 – 1:00 p.m.
Microsoft Word - Minutes - Friday July 21, 2006.doc 7/21/2006 Page 1 AGENDA & MINUTES (Unconfirmed) - IEEE 802 LMSC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING (updated July 24, 2006) Friday July 21, 2006 1:00 PM – 6:00 PM San Diego, CA 1.00 MEETING CALLED TO ORDER - Nikolich 1 01:00 PM Paul Nikolich called the meeting to order at 1:00 PM Members in attendance were: Paul Nikolich - Chair, IEEE 802 LAN / MAN Standards Committee Mat Sherman - Vice Chair, IEEE 802 LAN / MAN Standards Committee Pat Thaler - Vice Chair, IEEE 802 LAN / MAN Standards Committee Bob O'Hara - Recording Secretary, IEEE 802 LAN / MAN Standards Committee Buzz Rigsbee - Executive Secretary, IEEE 802 LAN / MAN Standards Committee John Hawkins - Treasurer, IEEE 802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee Tony Jeffree - Chair, IEEE 802.1 - HILI Working Group Bob Grow - Chair, IEEE 802.3 - CSMA/CD Working Group Stuart Kerry - Chair, IEEE 802.11 - Wireless LANs Working Group Bob Heile - Chair, IEEE 802.15 – Wireless PAN Working Group Roger Marks - Chair, IEEE 802.16 – Broadband Wireless Access Working Group Mike Takefman - Chair, IEEE 802.17 – Resilient Packet Ring Working Group Mike Lynch - Chair, IEEE 802.18 – Regulatory TAG Steve Shellhammer - Chair, IEEE 802.19 – Wireless Coexistence TAG Jerry Upton - Chair, IEEE 802.20 – Mobile Broadband Wireless Access Vivek Gupta - Chair, IEEE 802.21 – Media Independent Handover Carl Stevenson - Chair, IEEE 802.22 – Wireless Regional Area Networks Geoff Thompson - Member Emeritus (non-voting) 2.00 MI APPROVE OR MODIFY AGENDA - Nikolich 9 01:01 PM r04 AGENDA - IEEE 802 LMSC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING Friday, July 21, 2006 - 1:00PM -6:00PM 1.00 MEETING CALLED TO ORDER - Nikolich 1 01:00 PM 2.00 MI APPROVE OR MODIFY AGENDA - Nikolich 9 01:01 PM 3.00 - 01:10 PM 3.01 - 01:10 PM 3.02 - 01:10 PM 4.00 II TREASURER'S REPORT - Hawkins 10 01:10 PM 4.01 II Announcements from the Chair - Nikolich 5 01:20 PM Category (* = consent agenda) - - 5.00 IEEE Standards Board Items - 01:25 PM 5.01 ME 802.1at PAR to NESCOM - Jeffree 3 01:25 PM 5.02 ME 802.1au PAR to NESCOM - Jeffree 3 01:28 PM 5.03 ME 802.1HREV PAR to NESCOM - Jeffree 3 01:31 PM 5.04 ME Reaffirmation ballot for IEEE Std 802 - Jeffree 3 01:34 PM 5.05 ME - 01:37 PM 5.06 ME 802.3av PAR to NESCOM - Grow 3 01:37 PM 5.07 ME 802.11k PAR extension to NESCOM - Kerry 1 01:40 PM 7/21/2006 Page 2 5.08 ME - 01:41 PM 5.09 ME 802.16/cor2 PAR to NESCOM - Marks 3 01:41 PM 5.10 ME 802.22.2 PAR to NESCOM - Stevenson 01:44 PM 5.11 ME - 01:44 PM 5.12 ME - 01:44 PM 5.13 ME 802.3aq to REVCOM - Grow 5 01:44 PM 5.14 ME 802.3as conditional to REVCOM - Grow 5 01:49 PM 5.15 ME 802.11REV-ma conditional to REVCOM - Kerry 5 01:54 PM 5.16 ME - 01:59 PM 5.17 ME 802.1ag approval for sponsor ballot - Jeffree 5 01:59 PM 5.18 ME 802.3ap approval for sponsor ballot - Grow 5 02:04 PM 5.19 ME 802.17b conditional approval for sponsor ballot - Takefman 5 02:09 PM 5.20 ME 802.15.4a conditional approval for sponsor ballot - Heile 5 02:14 PM 5.21 ME 802.16k conditional approval for sponsor ballot - Marks 5 02:19 PM 5.22 ME 802.16g conditional approval for sponsor ballot - Marks 5 02:24 PM 6.00 Executive Committee Study Groups, Working Groups, TAGs - 02:29 PM 6.01 MI confirmation of election of Jose Puthenkulam as vice chair of 802.16 - Marks 3 02:29 PM 6.02 MI - 02:32 PM 6.03 MI - 02:32 PM 6.04 MI - 02:32 PM 6.05 MI - 02:32 PM 6.06 MI* Continuation of 802.1 Congestion Management SG - Jeffree 02:32 PM 6.07 MI* - 02:32 PM 6.08 MI* - 02:32 PM 6.09 MI* - 02:32 PM 6.10 MI Formation of 802.15 study group 4c - Heile 3 02:32 PM 6.11 MI Formation of 802.15 study group 4d - Heile 3 02:35 PM 6.12 MI Formation of 802.11 study group on A/V extensions - Kerry 3 02:38 PM 6.13 MI Formation of 802.3 Higher Speed study Group - Grow 3 02:41 PM 6.14 - 02:44 PM 6.15 - 02:44 PM 6.16 - 02:44 PM 7.00 Break - 10 02:44 PM 8.00 IEEE-SA Items - 02:54 PM 8.01 II 802 Task Force update - Nikolich/Kipness 5 02:54 PM 8.02 II - 02:59 PM 8.03 - 02:59 PM 9.00 LMSC Liaisons & External Interface - 02:59 PM 9.01 II Get IEEE 802 Program Update - Hawkins 5 02:59 PM 9.02 ME Revised proposal to revise M.1450-2 - Lynch 5 03:04 PM 9.03 ME Response to questions fro clarification from WP8A - Lynch 5 03:09 PM 9.04 ME 802.16 ITU-R BWA Liaison Response - Lynch 5 03:14 PM 9.05 II ITU-T/IEEE joint conference/workshop - Parsons 5 03:19 PM 9.06 II RAC update - Jeffree 5 03:24 PM 9.07 ME Letter to China - Kerry 5 03:29 PM 9.08 03:34 PM 9.09 - 03:34 PM 10.00 LMSC Internal Business - 03:34 PM 10.01 MI P&P "Editorial 2" revision approval - Sherman 5 03:34 PM 10.02 MI P&P "Document numbers" revision approval - Sherman 5 03:39 PM 10.03 MI approval to ballot P&P "WG Voting Procedures" revision - Sherman 5 03:44 PM 10.04 MI* Extension of meeting planner contract - Hawkins 0 03:49 PM 10.05 MI Authorization to produce 802 Standards CD-ROM - O'Hara 2 03:49 PM 10.06 II EC executive session feedback - Nikolich 15 03:51 PM 7/21/2006 Page 3 10.07 II Results of EC email ballots - Nikolich 5 04:06 PM 10.08 II LMSC Executive Secretary reorganization of responsibilities - Nikolich 5 04:11 PM 10.09 MI 802.20 - moving forward - Upton 10 04:16 PM 10.10 MI Meeting planner RFQ process - Hawkins 5 04:26 PM 10.11 II Meeting planner contract update - Rigsbee 5 04:31 PM 10.12 II Attendance automation requirements update - Gilb 5 04:36 PM 10.13 - 04:41 PM 10.14 - 04:41 PM 10.15 - 04:41 PM 10.16 - 04:41 PM 11.00 Information Items - 04:41 PM 11.01 II Open office hours feedback - Nikolich 5 04:41 PM 11.02 II Network Services Report - Rigsbee 5 04:46 PM 11.03 II - 04:51 PM 11.04 II - 04:51 PM 11.05 II - 04:51 PM 11.06 II 802.3ar status update - Grow 3 04:51 PM 11.07 II 802.3 interim meeting polls - Grow 2 04:54 PM 11.08 II 802.16 Liaison letter to IETF - Marks 2 04:56 PM 11.09 II Joint 802.1/802.17 Liaison response to ITU-T SG15 on ring protection - Jeffree 2 04:58 PM 11.10 II ITU-T SG15 liaison response on Ethernet connection management - Jeffree 2 05:00 PM 11.11 II Liaison contribution to IETF, MEF, DSL Forum - combination of tags - Jeffree 2 05:02 PM 11.12 - 05:04 PM 11.13 - 05:04 PM 11.14 - 05:04 PM 11.15 - 05:04 PM 11.16 - 05:04 PM 11.17 - 05:04 PM 11.18 - 05:04 PM 11.19 - 05:04 PM 11.20 - 05:04 PM 11.21 - 05:04 PM ADJOURN SEC MEETING - Nikolich 06:00 PM ME - Motion, External MI - Motion, Internal DT- Discussion Topic II - Information Item Moved: To approve the agenda, as modified.
doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0990r0 July, 2006 doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0990r0 IEEE P802.11 Wireless LANs Tentative Minutes of the IEEE P802.11 Full Working Group Date: 2006-07-17 Author(s): Name Company Address Phone email Tim Godfrey Freescale +1-913-814-7883 Abstract Minutes of the 802.11 full working group.
doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/736r0 July 2004 doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/736r1 IEEE P802.11 Wireless LANs Approved Minutes of the IEEE P802.11 Full Working Group July 12 - 16, 2004 Portland Hilton, Portland, Oregon, USA 8th Joint 802 Wireless Opening Plenary: Monday, July 12, 2004 1.1.
January 2007 Consolidated Minutes January 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/xxxxr0 IEEE P802.11 Wireless LANs Draft Minutes of the IEEE P802.11 Full Working Group Date: 2007-01-19 Author(s): Name Company Address Phone email R.
IEEE P802.3df D2.0 Initial Working Group ballot comments Response # 1Cl 45 SC P 40 L 14 Comment Type E list uses “.” instead of “,” in edited list “100GBASE-KR1, 200GBASE-KR2, 400GBASE- KR4. 800GBASE-KR8" SuggestedRemedy Change “.” to “,” before newly added entry.
IEEE P802.3cg D3.0 Physical Layer Specifications and Management Parameters for 10 Mb/s Operation and Associated Power Delivery over a Single Balanced Pair of Conductors Initial Sponsor ballot comments Response # i-8Cl 45 SC 45.2 P 42 L 1 Comment Type GR verbose and confusing wording throughout Subclause 45.2 SuggestedRemedy REJECT.
IEEE P802.3cg D3.1 Physical Layer Specifications and Management Parameters for 10 Mb/s Operation and Associated Power Delivery over a Single Balanced Pair of Conductors 1st Sponsor recirculation ballot comments Response # r01-211Cl 148 SC 148.1 P L Comment Type ER The new text is much better.
The Reference Models in those sections are not consistent. 11.1.2, 12.3.1 What needs to be done: Make them consistent. 10.1 .2.2 Mahany E Use Consistent Terminology for PLME LME and PLME used here 10.1.3 McDonald e Make Clear I st paragraph seems to indicate that the standard is based on the models but reality is more complc.x than the models. 10.2 Bob O'Hara E replace title with "PHSS PHY Service Primitives" , 10.2 Bob O'Hara E fix symax for all service primitives and ensure all PHY sections match 10.2 Siep T FHSS PVV Specific Service Prarmeter Lists[This does not seem to agree with the A standard must be complete and consistant in order to be MAC version of this interface] functional. 10.2.1 Mahany E Use Consistent Terminology for PLME Physical Layer ME is used here. 10.2.1 Renfro E Change 'define' to 'defined' in }ed and 5th sentences. - Result of Ballot on Draft D 1, section 10 page 1 Vic Hayes, Chair, AT&T WCND February 1995 Doc: IEEE P802.11-95/18-10(a) 10.2.2 Bob O'Hara E replace "indicate" with "request" I 10.2.2 I Geiger E SIB PHY DATA.request not indicate I I 10.2.2 McDonald e .. .. .in the PHY Dala.
IEEE P802.3df D2.0 Initial Working Group ballot comments # 50Cl FM SC FM P 1 L 29 Comment Type E Both cx and cz were approved during the March SASB meeting and should be referenced with the year 2023.
IEEE P802.3df D2.0 Initial Working Group ballot comments IEEE P802.3df D2.0 Initial Working Group ballot comments Response # 1Cl 45 SC P 40 L 14 Comment Type E list uses “.” instead of “,” in edited list “100GBASE-KR1, 200GBASE-KR2, 400GBASE- KR4. 800GBASE-KR8" SuggestedRemedy Change “.” to “,” before newly added entry.
IEEE P802.3cg D3.1 Physical Layer Specifications and Management Parameters for 10 Mb/s Operation and Associated Power Delivery over a Single Balanced Pair of Conductors 1st Sponsor recirculation ballot comments Response # r01-90Cl 00 SC 90.1 P 0 L 0 Comment Type TR 802.3cg should support the TSSI.
See O'Hara above. 11.1.2, consistent. 12.3.1 What needs to be done: Make them consistent. Mahany E Use Consistent Terminology for PLME LME and PLME used here Accepted. 10.1.3 McDonald E Make Clear 1st paragraph seems to indicate that the standard is based on the models but reality is more complex than the models. 10.2 Bob O'Hara E replace title with "PHSS PHY Service Primitives" Don't know what PHSS stands for?
IEEE P802.3 D2p0 proposed comments IEEE P802.3df D2.0 Initial Working Group ballot comments Proposed Response # 1Cl 45 SC P 40 L14 Comment Type E list uses “.” instead of “,” in edited list “100GBASE-KR1, 200GBASE-KR2, 400GBASE-KR4. 800GBASE-KR8" SuggestedRemedy Change “.” to “,” before newly added entry.
IEEE P802.3cg D3.4 Physical Layer Specifications and Management Parameters for 10 Mb/s Operation and Associated Power Delivery over a Single Balanced Pair of Conductors 4th Sponsor recirculation ballot comments # r04-2Cl 147 SC 147.3.5 P 209 L 38 Comment Type TR [CSD/Compatibility] [Collision Detect, no assurance thereof] [Grossly incomplete specification] Related to unresolved comment i-417.
IEEE P802.3df D2.0 Initial Working Group ballot comments IEEE P802.3df D2.0 Initial Working Group ballot comments # 50Cl FM SC FM P 1 L 29 Comment Type E Both cx and cz were approved during the March SASB meeting and should be referenced with the year 2023.
IEEE P802.3 D2p0 proposed comments IEEE P802.3df D2.0 Initial Working Group ballot comments # 50Cl FM SC FM P 1 L29 Comment Type E Both cx and cz were approved during the March SASB meeting and should be referenced with the year 2023.
See O'Hara above. lLL2, consistent. 12.3.1 What needs to be done: Make them consistent. Mahany E Use Consistent Tenninology for PLME LME and PLME used here Accepted. 10.1.3 McDonald E Make Clear 1st paragraph seems to indicate that the standard is based on the models but reality is more complex than the models. 10.2 Bob O'Hara E replace title with "PHSS PHY Service Primitives" Don't know what PHSS stands for?
Report to IEEE SA Board of Governors This document is the collation of public input received in response to the Call for Comments by the IEEE SA Standards Board Patent Committee (PatCom) conducted at the direction of the IEEE SA Board of Governors (BOG) and initiated on 24 August 2021 Report to IEEE SA Board of Governors 15 November 2021 https://grouper.ieee.org/groups/pp-dialog/email/msg00651.html https://grouper.ieee.org/groups/pp-dialog/email/msg00651.html Table of Contents Please turn to page 280 for the index by company Ola Adekunle ..................................................
The shape of the impulse shall be (0.3/50)µs (300ns virtual front time, 50µs virtual time or half value), as defined in IEC 60060, where Ecm is an externally applied AC volt-age as shown in Figure 33-13.
lb14_r0 Autonumber CommentID CommenterName CommenterEmail CommenterPhone CommenterFax CommenterCo Clause Subclause Page Line CommentType Comment SuggestedRemedy Response CommentStatus ResponseStatus 1 0 Seals, Michael mseals@intersil.com 321-724-7172 Intersil 0 0 I 43 E ""Committee of the IEEE Society"", and ""Abstract"" are in incorrect position.
lb14_r0 Autonumber CommentID CommenterName CommenterEmail CommenterPhone CommenterFax CommenterCo Clause Subclause Page Line CommentType Comment SuggestedRemedy Response CommentStatus ResponseStatus 1 0 Seals, Michael mseals@intersil.com 321-724-7172 Intersil 0 0 I 43 E ""Committee of the IEEE Society"", and ""Abstract"" are in incorrect position.
doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0034r0 January, 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0034r0 IEEE P802.11 Wireless LANs Approved Minutes of the IEEE P802.11 Full Working Group Date: 2005-01-17 Author(s): Name Company Address Phone email Tim Godfrey Conexant +1-913-664-2544 tim.godfrey@conexant.com Abstract Minutes of the 802.11 full working group and joint wireless sessions.
P802.15.3a, Report on the unresolved no comments for the MERGED PROPOSAL #1 May04 Heberling & Gifford, Freescale SemiconductorSlide 1 doc.: IEEE 802.15-04/0226r0 Submission Project: IEEE 802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area NeProject: IEEE 802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (tworks (WPANsWPANs)) Submission Title: [P802.15.3a, Report on the unresolved no comments for the MERGED PROPOSAL #1.]
P802.15.3a, Report on the unresolved no comments for the MERGED PROPOSAL #1 May04 Heberling & Gifford, Freescale SemiconductorSlide 1 doc.: IEEE 802.15-04/0226r0 Submission Project: IEEE 802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area NeProject: IEEE 802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (tworks (WPANsWPANs)) Submission Title: [P802.15.3a, Report on the unresolved no comments for the MERGED PROPOSAL #1.]