120396 results found. results are sorted by relevance
Re: [802SEC] Motion re: nNA venues for 2011 and 2012 Thread Links Date Links Thread Prev Thread Next Thread Index Date Prev Date Next Date Index Re: [802SEC] Motion re: nNA venues for 2011 and 2012 To
Re: [8023-10GEPON] Revised 10G budget Thread Links Date Links Thread Prev Thread Next Thread Index Date Prev Date Next Date Index Re: [8023-10GEPON] Revised 10G budget To : STDS-802-3-10GEPON@xxxxxxxx
Asynchronous Data supoort March, 1994 DOC: IEEE P802.11-94/xxx April, 2002 IEEE P802.15-01/164r0 IEEE P802.15 Wireless Personal Area Networks Project IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal A
[STDS-802-24] Fwd: 802-0714-Plenary Session Meeting Annoucement Thread Links Date Links Thread Prev Thread Next Thread Index Date Prev Date Next Date Index [STDS-802-24] Fwd: 802-0714-Plenary Session
Re: [STDS-802-11-TGM] 11me/D1.0 CID 2220 and 2224 in 22/0565r4 Thread Links Date Links Thread Prev Thread Next Thread Index Date Prev Date Next Date Index Re: [STDS-802-11-TGM] 11me/D1.0 CID 2220 and
Page 1 of 6 IEEE 802 Plenary Session November 2-7, 2014 San Antonio, Texas USA 1 Month Until the November Plenary Session Registration and Hotel Reservation Reminder Thursday October 2, 2014 November
FW: 802-1113-MIU#2-Hotel Deadline Friday October 25th Thread Links Date Links Thread Prev Thread Next Thread Index Date Prev Date Next Date Index FW: 802-1113-MIU#2-Hotel Deadline Friday October 25th
Re: [802SEC] IEEE Std 802 WG Ballot proposal Thread Links Date Links Thread Prev Thread Next Thread Index Date Prev Date Next Date Index Re: [802SEC] IEEE Std 802 WG Ballot proposal To : STDS-802-SEC@
Re: [BP] what constitutes the channel Thread Links Date Links Thread Prev Thread Next Thread Index Date Prev Date Next Date Index Re: [BP] what constitutes the channel To : STDS-802-3-BLADE@xxxxxxxxxx
[STDS-802-11-TGBE] Revision 85 - IEEE802.11be Spec Text Writing: Volunte Thread Links Date Links Thread Prev Thread Next Thread Index Date Prev Date Next Date Index [STDS-802-11-TGBE] Revision 85 - IE
RE: [RPRWG] RE: Evaluation of timeToLive alternatives Thread Links Date Links Thread Prev Thread Next Thread Index Date Prev Date Next Date Index RE: [RPRWG] RE: Evaluation of timeToLive alternatives
[STDS-802-11-TGBE] Latest CC36 comment spreadsheet uploaded (21/1018r40) Thread Links Date Links Thread Prev Thread Next Thread Index Date Prev Date Next Date Index [STDS-802-11-TGBE] Latest CC36 comm
Re: RAC ballot: RAC Operating Procedures v12 - Please respond by 10 Apri Thread Links Date Links Thread Prev Thread Next Thread Index Date Prev Date Next Date Index Re: RAC ballot: RAC Operating Proce
RE: [RPRWG] RE: Evaluation of timeToLive alternatives Thread Links Date Links Thread Prev Thread Next Thread Index Date Prev Date Next Date Index RE: [RPRWG] RE: Evaluation of timeToLive alternatives
Re: [EFM] Re: [EFM-Copper] Long Reach Copper Presentations in Vancouver Thread Links Date Links Thread Prev Thread Next Thread Index Date Prev Date Next Date Index Re: [EFM] Re: [EFM-Copper] Long Reac
Re: [802SEC] Proposed IEEE 802 LMSC WG P&P Thread Links Date Links Thread Prev Thread Next Thread Index Date Prev Date Next Date Index Re: [802SEC] Proposed IEEE 802 LMSC WG P&P To : STDS-802-SEC@LIST
Page 1 of 6 IEEE 802 Plenary Session November 2-7, 2014 San Antonio, Texas USA 6PM Pacific Time October 24 Standard Registration and Cancellation Deadline Tuesday October 21, 2014 November 2014 IEEE-8
[802.3_NGBASET] FW: 802-0715-July Plenary Session Standard Registration Thread Links Date Links Thread Prev Thread Next Thread Index Date Prev Date Next Date Index [802.3_NGBASET] FW: 802-0715-July Pl
Re: [802.3BA] 802.3ba XR ad hoc next step concern Thread Links Date Links Thread Prev Thread Next Thread Index Date Prev Date Next Date Index Re: [802.3BA] 802.3ba XR ad hoc next step concern To : STD
RE: [802SEC] +++SEC MOTION+++ Motion: Authorize Forwarding of the 802.11 Thread Links Date Links Thread Prev Thread Next Thread Index Date Prev Date Next Date Index RE: [802SEC] +++SEC MOTION+++ Motio
FWd: 802-July 2014 Plenary Session-Sa​n Diego-Earl​y Registrati​on Deadl Thread Links Date Links Thread Prev Thread Next Thread Index Date Prev Date Next Date Index FWd: 802-July 2014 Plenary Session-
, OV.. her 1995 doc.: IEEE P802.11-95/22~ 2R~ Section 12 comments and responses from Ballot on Draft Standard D2 (Mike Trompower, DS PHY Editor, Aironet) 1 12.1 MRo e Second sentence, replace period w
Re: [802SEC] Motion re: nNA venues for 2011 and 2012 Thread Links Date Links Thread Prev Thread Next Thread Index Date Prev Date Next Date Index Re: [802SEC] Motion re: nNA venues for 2011 and 2012 To
Page 1 of 6 IEEE 802 Plenary Session November 2-7, 2014 San Antonio, Texas USA 6PM Pacific Time October 24 Standard Registration and Cancellation Deadline Tuesday October 21, 2014 November 2014 IEEE-8
Microsoft Word - minutes_100302_d01.doc September 30th, 2002 8:30AM Presentation by Mike T Logistics for connection server address 8:54 AM Approval of agenda, F: Bo