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It is listed as registered to Xerox but is suppose to be an invalid OUI per IEEE 1394.
I’ve uploaded the received comments to mentor:  https://mentor.ieee.org/802.11/dcn/23/11-23-1394-00-00bf-lb276-comments-and-approved-resolutions.xlsx A few action items: -           PoCs: Please review the comments that I have tentatively assigned to your area, and let me know if you any changes are needed. -           PoCs: Once you’ve reviewed the comments assigned to your area, please send a request for volunteers to your TTT. 
Interworking specifications for IEEE 1394 and IP will follow early in 2000.
Johas Teener Wed, 1 Sep 2004 15:48:22 -0400 (EDT) Re: [RE] Requirement: Bridging to 1394 , Gross, Kevin Re: [RE] Overprovisioning (was Re: [RE] CE applications) , Henry Sariowan Wed, 1 Sep 2004 14:26:51 -0400 (EDT) Re: [RE] Overprovisioning (was Re: [RE] CE applications) , Gross, Kevin Re: [RE] Overprovisioning (was Re: [RE] CE applications) , Michael D.
I’ve uploaded the received comments to mentor:  https://mentor.ieee.org/802.11/dcn/23/11-23-1394-00-00bf-lb276-comments-and-approved-resolutions.xlsx A few action items: PoCs: Please review the comments that I have tentatively assigned to your area, and let me know if you any changes are needed.
Isochronous bridging to IEEE 1394, IEEE 802.11, and IEEE 802.15.3
Date Standard Clause Subject 1394 18-Feb-22 802.3-2022 98.2.1 Clause 98 HSM support 1395 22-Mar-22 802.3-2022 147.8 Mixing segment specifications 1396 22-Mar-22 802.3-2022 147.8 Mixing segment specifications 1397 01-Apr-22 802.3-2022 1.4.473 Definition of “PoDL PSE” Revision Request #1394 The revision request was discussed.
Review of video in 1722 Kieran Tyrrell Sienda 2019.08.27 1722 video support today - IIDC (IEC 61883/IIDC) - SDI Video Format - Raw Video Format - Compressed Video Format: - MJPEG - H.264 - JPEG 2000 1722 video support today - IIDC (IEC 61883/IIDC) - Uncompressed - Based on ieee 1394 video camera standards and ieee 1394 transport streams - Max resolution 1600x1200 (UXGA) - SDI Video Format - Widely used in broadcast - Transports SDI stream over 1722 - Raw Video Format - 1722’s ‘native’ uncompressed video format - Flexible: supports many resolutions, bit-depths, frame-rates, chroma formats, colour-spaces - A great option for transporting uncompressed video over TSN 1722 video support today (continued) - Compressed Video Format: - Based on IETF RTP Payload Formats published as RFCs: - MJPEG RFC 2435 - H.264 RFC 6184 - JPEG 2000 RFC 5371 - Each compressed encoding has its advantages and disadvantages in terms of compression ratio, encoder/decoder efficiency, supported resolutions/colour-spaces etc, and adoption.
Isochronous bridging to IEEE 1394, IEEE 802.11, and IEEE 802.15.3
Microsoft PowerPoint - 1722 Meeting notes 06072010.pptx Dave Olsen 1722 Meeting Notes 6/7/2010 Dave Olsen 8kHz cycle time Comment Type TR 1394 assumes a 125us cycle time However AVBTP does not restrict the– 1394 assumes a 125us cycle time.
SyncSildes2005Jul08.ppt IEEE 802.3 RE Study Group San Francisco 1July 2005 Clock synchronizationClock synchronization (a Residential Ethernet SG presentation)(a Residential Ethernet SG presentation) David V JamesDavid V James JGGJGG Alexei Alexei BeliaevBeliaev GibsonGibson George George ClasemanClaseman MicrelMicrel IEEE 802.3 RE Study Group San Francisco 2July 2005 House reference clockHouse reference clock 802.11e Ethernet 802.11e 1394 1394 Room #1 Room #2 Ethernet IEEE 802.3 RE Study Group San Francisco 3July 2005 FIFO Precise time synchronizationPrecise time synchronization talker FIFO IEEE 802.3 RE Study Group San Francisco 4July 2005 Cascaded TOD synchronizationCascaded TOD synchronization bridge[0] bridge[1] bridge[2] Wall-clock distribution model IEEE 802.3 RE Study Group San Francisco 5July 2005 Cascaded TOD synchronizationCascaded TOD synchronization bridge[0] bridge[1] bridge[2] Cascaded adjacent-synchronization hierarchy Legend: clock master clock slave IEEE 802.3 RE Study Group San Francisco 6July 2005 Grand master selectionGrand master selection Grand-master selection protocol MinimumValue hopsCount += 1thisPrecedence MinimumValue hopsCount += 1thisPrecedence Grand-master Clock-slave IEEE 802.3 RE Study Group San Francisco 7July 2005 sn Grand-master precedenceGrand-master precedence stationID (byte swapped EUI-64) 1394 precedencepreferred 1394 precedence (larger) sl eui64 hops pnpl transmitted values portsystem uniqueness age GM precedence (smaller) snsl eui48 hops pnpl portsystem uniqueness age STP precedence (smaller) IEEE 802.3 RE Study Group San Francisco 8July 2005 local offset add global Basic snapshot assumptionsBasic snapshot assumptions aTx local offset add global aRx bRx bTx StationA StationB – Periodic distribution (10 ms) • Simple non-time-critical processing • Master/slave independence – Pipelined computation • Enables SW-centric implementations IEEE 802.3 RE Study Group San Francisco 9July 2005 Adjustable Adjustable timeOfDaytimeOfDay timer timer fractionsseconds delayed carry OK addition subfractions carry56 subfractions fractions flexRate flexTimer fractionsseconds addition64 timeOfDay flexOffset IEEE 802.3 RE Study Group San Francisco 10July 2005 local offset add global Adjacent-station synchronizationAdjacent-station synchronization aTx local offset add global aRx bRx bTx (aTx,aRx,bTx) StationA StationB Snapshot value distribution (information for stationB) IEEE 802.3 RE Study Group San Francisco 11July 2005 local offset add global Adjacent-station synchronizationAdjacent-station synchronization aTx local offset add global aRx bRx bTx(bTx,bRx,aTx) Station A Station B Snapshot value distribution (information for stationA) IEEE 802.3 RE Study Group San Francisco 12July 2005 local offset add global Adjacent-station synchronizationAdjacent-station synchronization • rxDelta = (bRx – aTx); • txDelta = (bTx – aRx); • clockDelta = (txDelta – rxDelta) / 2; • cableDelay = (txDelta + rxDelta) / 2; • offsetB = offsetA + clockDelta; aTx local offset add global aRx bRx bTx Station A Station B StationB offset adjustments IEEE 802.3 RE Study Group San Francisco 13July 2005 rxInfo Clock slave details (1)Clock slave details (1) Rx Tx StationB rxInfo txInfo txInfo cycle[n-1] cycle[n-0] IEEE 802.3 RE Study Group San Francisco 14July 2005 Clock-slave details (2)Clock-slave details (2) cycle[n-1] cycle[n-0] TX RX header offsetTime myRxTimer thisTxTime thatRxTime thatTxTime trailer header offsetB myTxTimer thisTxTime thatTxTime thatRxTime trailer header offsetB myTxTimer thisTxTime thatRxTime thatTxTime trailer header offsetTime myRxTimer thisTxTime thatRxTime thatTxTime trailer rxDeltasubtract txDelta subtract + − globalTimer.offset + − addition 1/2 myOffset IEEE 802.3 RE Study Group San Francisco 15July 2005 Rate-calibration timerRate-calibration timer fractions addition subfractions subfractions fractions baseRate baseTimer IEEE 802.3 RE Study Group San Francisco 16July 2005 local add global Adjacent-station synchronizationAdjacent-station synchronization • aDelta = (localA[n+1] – localA[n+0]); • bDelta = (localB[n+1] – localB[n+0]); • diffRate = (bDelta – aDelta) / aDelta; txR local offset add global Station A Station B StationB rate adjustments offset IEEE 802.3 RE Study Group San Francisco 17July 2005 Timing specificsTiming specifics…… (from IEEE 1588-2002, subclause D.1.1, page 127) IEEE 802.3 RE Study Group San Francisco 18July 2005 A viable design modelA viable design model PHY global local offset MAC clientglobalTime rxStrobe txStrobe txrx FIFOFIFO convert Notes: Rate matching FIFOs are not within our scope.
Draft Standard for IEEE Template TA Document LARA-16-1-T-Nov00/0.40:2, July 11, 2000 Page 8 Copyright  2001, 1394 Trade Association.
4: will DS-UWB products based on 1394 have the 1394 logo so that consumer experience can be “exceedingly easy”?
No control/discovery/etc. o i.e. we keep within our own layer  Goal: Keep the protocol simple and close enough to 61883 that bridging to/from the most common forms of 1394 isochronous streams is a straight-forward problem that can easily be done in hardware. o Potential issue with complexity of timestamp mapping between 1394 and Ethernet.
No control/discovery/etc. o i.e. we keep within our own layer  Goal: Keep the protocol simple and close enough to 61883 that bridging to/from the most common forms of 1394 isochronous streams is a straight-forward problem that can easily be done in hardware. oPotential issue with complexity of timestamp mapping between 1394 and Ethernet.
4: will DS-UWB products based on 1394 have the 1394 logo so that consumer experience can be “exceedingly easy”?
The former is used for standards, such as IEEE Std 1394 or IEEE Std 802, that have a standard identifier that starts with a numeral; the latter is used for standards, such as IEEE Std C37 or IEEE Std C57, where the standard identifier starts with the letter “C”.
–Professional A/V studios –Homes with provider 1588 service October 12, 2005 Precise Timing in a Residential Ethernet Environment 17 Changes needed in existingChanges needed in existing productsproducts • Endpoint device needs – Timer – Streaming traffic transmit FIFO(s) • (streaming receive use existing FIFO) – Best to have dedicated ports for streaming data • MPEG-TS, I2S, etc., like existing 1394 links • Bridges – ResE MACs – Streaming routing/filtering • similar to asynch logic – Admission control firmware • similar to 802.1 multicast and VLAN management – Timing propagation Timing SynchronizationTiming Synchronization in ResEin ResE October 12, 2005 Precise Timing in a Residential Ethernet Environment 19 House reference clockHouse reference clock 802.11e Ethernet 802.11e 1394 1394 Room #1 Room #2 Ethernet October 12, 2005 Precise Timing in a Residential Ethernet Environment 20 Legend: clock master clock slave Cascaded TOD synchronizationCascaded TOD synchronization bridge[0] bridge[1] bridge[2] Physical topology constraints October 12, 2005 Precise Timing in a Residential Ethernet Environment 21 Cascaded TOD synchronizationCascaded TOD synchronization bridge[0] bridge[1] bridge[2] Wall-clock distribution model October 12, 2005 Precise Timing in a Residential Ethernet Environment 22 Cascaded TOD synchronizationCascaded TOD synchronization bridge[0] bridge[1] bridge[2] Cascaded adjacent-synchronization hierarchy October 12, 2005 Precise Timing in a Residential Ethernet Environment 23 local offset add global Adjacent-stationAdjacent-station synchronizationsynchronization aTx[n] local offset add global aRx[n] bRx[n] bTx[n] Station A Station B Timing snapshots October 12, 2005 Precise Timing in a Residential Ethernet Environment 24 local offset add global Adjacent-stationAdjacent-station synchronizationsynchronization aTx[n-1] local offset add global aRx[n-1] bRx[n] bTx[n-2] (aTx,aRx,bTx) StationA StationB Snapshot value distribution (information for stationB is time A sent previous snapshot, time A received B’s previous snapshot, and time B sent snapshot before that) Transmit timings are always for previous snapshot because they are recorded when the snapshot was sent, and are not available while the packet is in the process of being sent October 12, 2005 Precise Timing in a Residential Ethernet Environment 25 local offset add global Adjacent-stationAdjacent-station synchronizationsynchronization • rxDelta = (bRx[n-1] – aTx[n-1]); • txDelta = (bTx[n-1] – aRx[n-1]); • clockDelta = (rxDelta – txDelta) / 2; • cableDelay = (rxDelta + txDelta) / 2; • offsetB = offsetA – clockDelta; aTx local offset add global aRx bRx bTx Station A Station B StationB offset adjustments October 12, 2005 Precise Timing in a Residential Ethernet Environment 26 local offset add global Adjacent stationAdjacent station synchronizationsynchronization local offset add global Station A Station B 1kHz/100Hz synch interval … 1ms - 10ms … clockSync October 12, 2005 Precise Timing in a Residential Ethernet Environment 27 • Could add to 802.3 PHY specs: (from IEEE 1588-2002, subclause D.1.1, page 127) • But realistically, more likely to get “when first data symbol of frame is transmitted to or received from PHY” –Less precise … but ResE has frequent clock updat
The former is used for standards, such as IEEE Std 1394 or IEEE Std 802, that have a standard identifier that starts with a numeral; the latter is used for standards, such as IEEE Std C37 or IEEE Std C57, where the standard identifier starts with the letter “C”.
The former is used for standards, such as IEEE Std 1394 or IEEE Std 802, that have a standard identifier that starts with a numeral; the latter is used for standards, such as IEEE Std C37 or IEEE Std C57, where the standard identifier starts with the letter “C”.
The former is used for standards, such as IEEE Std 1394 or IEEE Std 802, that have a standard identifier that starts with a numeral; the latter is used for standards, such as IEEE Std C37 or IEEE Std C57, where the standard identifier starts with the letter “C”.
That is, IEEE Std 1394 would be identified by: iso (1) iso-identified-organization (3) ieee (111) standards-association-numbered-series-standards (2) std-1394 (1394) and IEEE Std C37 would be identified by: iso (1) iso-identified-organization (3) ieee (111) standards-association-c-series-standards (3) std-c37 (37) For standards that have multiple parts or sub-standards, such as the 802 series and the C37 series, would be allocated an arc of the form: iso (1) iso-identified-organization (3) ieee (111) standards-association-numbered-series-standards (2) lan-man-stds (802) part5-to
The former is used for standards, such as IEEE Std 1394 or IEEE Std 802, that have a standard identifier that starts with a numeral; the latter is used for standards, such as IEEE Std C37 or IEEE Std C57, where the standard identifier starts with the letter “C”.
That is, IEEE Std 1394 would be identified by: iso (1) iso-identified-organization (3) ieee (111) standards-association-numbered-series-standards (2) std-1394 (1394) 1 For example, the OUI registry will likely contain the OUI value in the next arc, followed by arcs for the name, address, etc. of the assignee, plus any other relevant attributes such as whether the entry is publicly available.
(see 802.1AS assumptions from AVB document)). • 61883 format over AVBTP will support presentation time in the same manner as 1394/61883 using the SYT field and in 24.576 MHz cycle time based on 802.1AS clock. – 61883-4 & 61883-7: Source Packet Header format with 0-127 seconds, 0-7999 8 kHz cycles, 0-3072 24.576 MHz sub-cycles.