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[802.3BA] IEEE P802.3ba Wednesday Schedule Thread Links Date Links Thread Prev Thread Next Thread Index Date Prev Date Next Date Index [802.3BA] IEEE P802.3ba Wednesday Schedule To : STDS-802-3-HSSG@x
3.00 II Announcements from the Chair Nikolich 5 01:10 PM  Nikolich announced that there were no announcements. 3.01 MI * APPROVE updated minutes of March opening meeting, 20110314­ opening­minutes­v1.
thankhr.doc Headquarters Office Publications Office European Office Asian Office 1730 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. 10662 Los Vaqueros Circle 13 Avenue de l'Aquilon (rez A) Ooshima Building Washington, D
SMF Proposal Summary Page 1 SMF Proposal Summary IEEE P802.3bs 400GbE Task Force John D’Ambrosia, Dell Pittsburgh, PA, USA IEEE 802.3 May 2015 Interim Page 2Version 2.1 IEEE P802.3bs 400 GbE Task Forc
RE: floating power, be afraid... Thread Links Date Links Thread Prev Thread Next Thread Index Date Prev Date Next Date Index RE: floating power, be afraid... To : "Schwartz, Peter" < Peter.Schwartz@xx
Re: [802SEC] +++SEC MOTION+++ Motion: Authorize Forwarding of the 802.11 Thread Links Date Links Thread Prev Thread Next Thread Index Date Prev Date Next Date Index Re: [802SEC] +++SEC MOTION+++ Motio
Re: [802.3_B400G] 22 Mar Contributions Update Thread Links Date Links Thread Prev Thread Next Thread Index Date Prev Date Next Date Index Re: [802.3_B400G] 22 Mar Contributions Update To : STDS-802-3-
RE: [802SEC] Annual Report for IEEE 802 Thread Links Date Links Thread Prev Thread Next Thread Index Date Prev Date Next Date Index RE: [802SEC] Annual Report for IEEE 802 To : "Roger B. Marks" < mark
minutes-2002-06-21 Phone Conference P1450.3 Working Group Friday, Aug 15, 2003, 1:15 to 2:00pm PDT Attendees: Tony Taylor (chair & scribe) Greg Maston Daniel Fan   Docs: http://grouper.ieee.org/groups
RE: Rules change ballot; new Procedure 3 Coordination with other standa Thread Links Date Links Thread Prev Thread Next Thread Index Date Prev Date Next Date Index RE: Rules change ballot; new Procedu
Re: [802.3_NGEPON] Notice: Special Meeting on PON Convergence Thread Links Date Links Thread Prev Thread Next Thread Index Date Prev Date Next Date Index Re: [802.3_NGEPON] Notice: Special Meeting on
Re: [802SEC] +++ LMSC P&P Revision Ballot +++ EC Voting Rules Thread Links Date Links Thread Prev Thread Next Thread Index Date Prev Date Next Date Index Re: [802SEC] +++ LMSC P&P Revision Ballot +++
Re: [STDS-802-11-CAC] RANT Closing Plenary Motions ! Thread Links Date Links Thread Prev Thread Next Thread Index Date Prev Date Next Date Index Re: [STDS-802-11-CAC] RANT Closing Plenary Motions ! To
Microsoft PowerPoint - 0714_meetings_open.ppt [Compatibility Mode] IEEE 802.3 WG San Diego, CA July 2014 1 IEEE 802.3 Future Meetings Steve Carlson, Executive Secretary High Speed Design scarlson@ieee
Re: [802.3_SCC18] Meeting Tuesday May 20 in Salt Lake City Thread Links Date Links Thread Prev Thread Next Thread Index Date Prev Date Next Date Index Re: [802.3_SCC18] Meeting Tuesday May 20 in Salt
[STDS-802-11-TGBE] Revision 2 of the comment spreadsheet on LB275 (D4.0) Thread Links Date Links Thread Prev Thread Next Thread Index Date Prev Date Next Date Index [STDS-802-11-TGBE] Revision 2 of th
IEEEP1788 Thread Links Date Links Thread Prev Thread Next Thread Index Date Prev Date Next Date Index IEEEP1788 To : IEEEP1788a < stds-1788@xxxxxxxx > Subject : IEEEP1788 From : Ulrich Kulisch < ulric
Guidance for progression to Standard Adjusted for July meeting results Prepared by Vic Hayes, Chair Lucent Technologies Summary • This presentation gives the most important actions 802.11 have to take
IEEE 1149 IEEE 1149.4 Mixed-Signal Test Bus Working Group Meeting Minutes for March 28th, 2008 8:00 – 10:00 AM Meeting Agenda: Time Topic Responsibility 8:00 – 10:00 AM 1. Review meeting minutes for M
PatCom Drafting Committee - Educational material   PatCom Drafting Committee Educational material       (Latest material is at the top of this page.) On March 22, 2007, the IEEE-SA Standards Board app
RE: what is a "valid SOH"? Thread Links Date Links Thread Prev Thread Next Thread Index Date Prev Date Next Date Index RE: what is a "valid SOH"? To : "'Christensen, Benny'" < benny.christensen@xxxxxx
Microsoft PowerPoint - 0711_meetings_close.ppt IEEE 802.3 WG Atlanta GA November 2007 1November 2007 IEEE 802.3 Future MeetingsIEEE 802.3 Future Meetings Steve Carlson, Executive Secretary High Speed
[802.3_B400G] Meeting Material Posted - 11 Jan 2022 Meeting Thread Links Date Links Thread Prev Thread Next Thread Index Date Prev Date Next Date Index [802.3_B400G] Meeting Material Posted - 11 Jan 2
[STDS-802-11-TGBF] 答复: Updated group documents (final CC40 files) Thread Links Date Links Thread Prev Thread Next Thread Index Date Prev Date Next Date Index [STDS-802-11-TGBF] 答复: Updated group docum
Re: Proposed disposition of comments Thread Links Date Links Thread Prev Thread Next Thread Index Date Prev Date Next Date Index Re: Proposed disposition of comments To : Ralph Baker Kearfott < rbk528