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Which direction should be chosen by default in 754?
Read more about 754-2008 in [7]. 2019: 754-2008 expired in 2018. 754-2008 veterans, eager to avoid another 8 year ordeal, intended 754-2019 to be an upwardly compatible bug-fix-and-minor-enhancements revision.
More information Re: [STDS-1788]: IEEE 754 working group?
This report does not document the intent or application of min-max operations, and does not argue for a particular min-max operation. 2 2 Non-Associativity of 754™-2008 Min-Max Definitions 754™-2008 [6] is the first 754™ standard to define any min-max operations.
Whatever happened to 754-1985 traps and wrapped exponents?
I challenge you to quote, by clause and sentence, a single part of 1788 (concept, requirement, operation etc.) that is built upon IEEE 754.
Many 754 features are required; others recommended, others allowed.
I've always felt that telling programming-language designers what to do is not and should not be the remit of IEEE 754, because very few members of IEEE 754, past and present, have designed programming languages or any other human-computer interface.
We see that since 754 specifies sinPi(+n) is +0 and sinPi(-n) is -0
However there are a couple of ways that a 754-2019 implementation might not conform to 754-2008:
  • The 754-2008 5.3.1 required operations {min,max}{Num,NumMag} are not mentioned in 754-2019, in favor of its new 9.5 recommended operations {minimum,maximum} and {minimum,maximum}{Number,Magnitude,MagnitudeNumber}.
CONCLUSION: 754 doesn't want to change the definitions of sinPi and cosPi set in 2008.
Too much power - pow vs powr, powd, pown, rootn, compound Why do 754-2008 and 754-2019 have so many similar power functions?
Should 754 specify these as well?
Topic for 2029. == Conversion of float to boolean. 754 doesn't say anything about boolean types.
Level 3 representation of 754-conforming inf-sup intervals (was: motioin Thread Links Date Links Thread Prev Thread Next Thread Index Date Prev Date Next Date Index Level 3 representation of 754-conforming inf-sup intervals (was: motioin43 amended) To : stds-1788@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject : Level 3 representation of 754-conforming inf-sup intervals (was: motioin43 amended) From : Vincent Lefevre < vincent@xxxxxxxxxx > Date : Thu, 25 Apr 2013 15:00:11 +0200 Delivered-to : mhonarc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx In-reply-to : <928f4752-c9f3-4f56-8434-12021e1fc746@default> List-help : < https://listserv.ieee.org/cgi-bin/wa?
Persons who have followed 754 development should learn about the Sponsor Ballot process and consider whether they would be willing to serve on the 754 Sponsor Ballot body.
We have already missed 754-"2018" but there's plenty of time for 754-2019.
Mailing list: stds-754@ieee.org will be used to discuss issues arising during this activity and to conduct ballots if needed.
Here is the motion circulated for email ballot due July 8: Motion: the 754 working group resolves to work toward defining recommended operations for twoSum and related operations in 754-2018, rather than 2028.
However there are a couple of ways that a 754-2019 implementation might not conform to 754-2008:
  • The 754-2008 5.3.1 required operations {min,max}{Num,NumMag} are not mentioned in 754-2019, in favor of its new 9.5 recommended operations {minimum,maximum} and {minimum,maximum}{Number,Magnitude,MagnitudeNumber}.
Persons who have followed 754 development should learn about the Sponsor Ballot process and consider whether they would be willing to serve on the 754 Sponsor Ballot body.
Thomas: given that none of the 754 specification levels (Table 3.1) have (unsigned) inf and that there is no stated convention (that I see) about (unsigned) inf, it seems like it would be better for 754 to use +/-inf instead.
Thomas: given that none of the 754 specification levels (Table 3.1) have (unsigned) inf and that there is no stated convention (that I see) about (unsigned) inf, it seems like it would be better for 754 to use +/-inf instead.
The paper by Sayed and Fahmy points out a number of cases they consider not clearly defined (ND) by 754-2008.
Resolution: Not an issue for 754 - no changes needed.