369 results found. results are sorted by relevance
Intervals are moved within the unit via busses of 128 bits.
The following individuals asked to become voting members of 802.3 (indicated by * on Attachment A4): Azadef, Kameran; Busse, Robert; Chang, Edward S.; Chin, Hon Wah; Ewen, John F.; Feidler, Jens; Giaretta, Giorgio; Haile-Mariam, Aitkem; Herrity, Ken; Kardontchik, Jaime; Lackner, Hans; Langston, Dawn; Noseworthy, Bob; Roers, Shawn; Sarles, Bill; Sorenson, Michel; Sikdar, Som; Turner, Edward; Vijeh, Nader and Yoon, Chong Ho.
Approved Minutes - Nov 2011 Interim / Plenary Approved Minutes IEEE P802.3bj 100 Gb/s Backplane and Copper Cable Task Force Interim and Plenary Meetings November 7-10, 2011 Atlanta, Georgia Prepared by: David Chalupsky 802.3bj Interim meeting convened at 8:03am, Monday, November 7, 2011 by John D’Ambrosia, 802.3bj Chair.
Name Plenaries Qualified Interims IEEE 802.3 Credited Attendance Summary 7/1011/09 33 Page 12/8/2011 Days required for meeting credit 2/4 2/3 Status Post 7/08 Status Post 3/08 Status Post 11/07 Status Post 11/08 Status Post 3/09 Note Status Post 7/09 Days9/10 2 Status Post 11/09 1/10 2* or 3 Status Post 3/10 (V1.0) 3/10 3 5/10 2 Status Post 7/10 Status Post 11/10 11/10 3 1/11 2 Status Post 3/11 4Abbas, Ghani Q V V VVVV 30V4 4 V4 4 VV34 3 V 4Abbott, John Q V V VVVV 12V4 V4 VVV Abunasrah, Ebrahim R 43 1 O Alie, Stephen R TTTT 2TOOO2 O Ambrose, Andrew Q R 10O3 3 V2 2 VVVR 3Anderson, Jon Q 25O4 5 V4 2 VV24 1 V 4Anslow, Peter Q V V VVVV 31V4 5 V4 4 VV34 3 V 3Au, Kwok Shum R 3OOO Balasubramanian, Koussalya R 44 O 3Balasubramanian, Vittal Q O O OTVV 9V4 VVV2 V 3Baldwin, Thananya Q V V TVVV 12V3 V3 VV3 V Barnette, Jim Q R V V VVVV 6V3 V3 VVVR 3Barrass, Hugh Q V V VVVV 24V3 4 V3 3 VV23 3 V Bathrick, Greg R 11 O Beaudoin, Denis Q V V VVVV 12V4 V4 VV4 V Beckwith, Jonathan R OV 4V4 VVOO 3Belopolsky, Yakov Q 173 O3 3 VV2 3 V 4Bennett, Michael Q V V VVVV 23V3 3 V3 4 VV3 3 V Bliss, Will R 11 O 3Booth, Brad Q V V VVVV 24V1 4 V3 4 VV33 3 V Braun, Ralf-Peter Q R V V VVVV 7V3 VVV4 VR 4Breuer, Dirk Q V T OVVV 8VV4 VVV 3Brown, Matthew Q OV 25V4 3 V4 4 VV4 3 V Bugg, Mark Q 53 2 T Busse, Robert Q V V VVVV 12V4 V4 VV4 V Carlson, Steve Q V V VVVV 25V4 4 V4 4 VV34 2 V 2Carroll, J.
Brown, Benjamin Brown, Kevin Brunn, Brian Busse, Robert Cain, Jeff Carlson, Steve *Cates, Ron Chang, Luke *Chen, Xiaopeng Cheong, Kok-Wui Cho, Jae hun *Chopra, Rahul Claseman, George 18 July 2005 IEEE 802.3 Opening Plenary 15 802.3 Members (voters) p.2 Cobb, Terry Cohen, Larry Cornejo, Edward Cravens, George Cunningham, David Dabiri, Dariush Daines, Kevin Dallesasse, John D'Ambrosia, John Darshan, Yair Dawe, Piers Di Minico, Chris Diab, Wael Dineen, Thomas Dinh, Thuyen Dove, Dan Dupuis, Joseph E.
Plato Networks Coilcraft Akron Silicon UNH-IOL 16 July 2007 IEEE 802.3 Opening Plenary 15 Deleted as voters (p. 2) Name Popescu, Petre Radhakrishnan, Prakash Robbins, Steve Smith , Andrew Spagna, Fulvio Telang, Vivek Employer Astar Intel Corporation Linear Technology Corp Power Integrations Intel Corporation Broadcom Corp Affiliation Astar Linear Technology Power Integrations 16 July 2007 IEEE 802.3 Opening Plenary 16 802.3 member rights & responsibilities • Membership isn’t just the right to vote on your favorite project, it includes responsibilities • Members of IEEE 802.3 are expected to support WG activities – Attend WG meetings – Become knowledgeable about the breadth of IEEE 802.3 activities – Review drafts and vote on them in WG ballots – Support the maintenance of our standards – Support the interpretation of our standards 16 July 2007 IEEE 802.3 Opening Plenary 17 Another anonymous letter • A recent letter from “Anonymous” complains about the deletion of 802.3 members • Participant right of appeal is one of IEEE-SA’s fundamental principles • All participants are subject to the IEEE Code of Ethics and there is a defined mechanism for lodging ethics complaints • The deletion of voters complained about in the letter was an action covered by the right of appeal 16 July 2007 IEEE 802.3 Opening Plenary 18 802.3 Members (voters) p.1 Abbott, John Akasaka, Youichi Alping, Arne Anslow, Pete Barnette, Jim Barrass, Hugh Barrick, Scott Baumer, Howard Beaudoin, Denis Beck, Michaël Beia, Christian Bennett, Mike Booth, Brad Braun, Ralf-Peter Brearley, Dave *Brown, Matt Brunner, Robert Busse, Robert Cain, Jeff Carlson, Steve Carroll, J.
Bennett, Mike Booth, Brad Braun, Ralf-Peter Busse, Robert * Cain, Jeff Carlson, Steve Carroll, J.
Name Plenaries Qualified Interims IEEE 802.3 Credited Attendance Summary 7/1011/09 33 Page 12/7/2011 Days required for meeting credit 2/4 2/3 Status Post 7/08 Status Post 3/08 Status Post 11/07 Status Post 11/08 Status Post 3/09 Note Status Post 7/09 Days9/10 2 7/09 3 9/09 3 Status Post 11/09 1/10 2* or 3 Status Post 3/10 (V1.1) 3/10 3 5/10 2 Status Post 7/10 Status Post 11/10 4Abbas, Ghani Q V V VVVV 314 4 V4 4 V4 4 VV3 4Abbott, John Q V V VVVV 164 V4 V4 VV Ambrose, Andrew Q 10O3 3 V2 2 VV 3Anderson, Jon Q 244 O4 5 V4 2 VV2 4Anslow, Peter Q V V VVVV 324 4 V4 5 V4 4 VV3 3Au, Kwok Shum R 3OO 3Balasubramanian, Vittal Q O O OTVV 154 4 V4 VVV 3Baldwin, Thananya Q V V TVVV 112 V3 V3 VV Bandyopadhyay, Jaya R V TVVV 22 VOOO Barnette, Jim Q V V VVVV 6V3 V3 VV 3Barrass, Hugh Q V V VVVV 243 3 V3 4 V3 3 VV2 Beaudoin, Denis Q V V VVVV 124 V4 V4 VV Beckwith, Jonathan Q R OV 84 V4 VVVR Beia, Christian R V V VVVV 22 VOOO 3Belopolsky, Yakov Q 123 O3 3 VV 4Bennett, Michael Q V V VVVV 244 3 V3 3 V3 4 VV 3Booth, Brad Q V V VVVV 264 4 V1 4 V3 4 VV3 Braun, Ralf-Peter Q R V V VVVV 114 4 V3 VVVR 4Breuer, Dirk Q V T OVVV 124 VV4 VV 3Brown, Matthew Q OV 254 3 V4 3 V4 4 VV Busse, Robert Q V V VVVV 124 V4 V4 VV Carlson, Steve Q V V VVVV 274 4 V4 4 V4 4 VV3 2Carroll, J.
Name Plenaries Qualified Interims IEEE 802.3 Credited Attendance Summary 7/10 3 Page 111/7/2011 Days required for meeting credit 2/4 2/3 Status Post 7/08 Status Post 3/08 Status Post 11/07 Status Post 11/08 Status Post 3/09 Note Status Post 7/09 Days9/10 2 Status Post 11/09 Status Post 3/10 (V1.1) 7/11 3 Status Post 7/10 Status Post 11/10 11/10 3 1/11 2 Status Post 3/11 3/11 3 5/11 2 Status Post 7/11 Status Post 11/11 9/11 2 4Abbas, Ghani Q V V VVVV 25VV4 VV34 3 V4 VV3 4Abbott, John Q V V VVVV 11VV4 VVVVV3 Abunasrah, Ebrahim R 43 1 OOO Alie, Stephen R TTTT 5TOOO2 OOO3 Amleshi, Peerouz R 822 2 OO2 3Anderson, Jon Q 20OV2 VV24 1 V4 2 VV2 4Anslow, Peter Q V V VVVV 28VV4 VV34 3 V4 3 VV3 Anstey, Mike R 33 3Au, Kwok Shum R 3OOOOO Balasubramanian, Koussalya Q 814 O3 VV 3Balasubramanian, Vittal Q O O OTVV 13VV3 VV2 V2 VV3 3Baldwin, Thananya Q V V TVVV 17VV4 VV3 V4 VV3 Barnett, Barry Q 1244 2 VV2 3Barrass, Hugh Q V V VVVV 24VV4 VV23 3 V4 3 VV2 Bathrick, Greg R 11 OOO Beaudoin, Denis Q V V VVVV 8VV4 VV4 VVV 3Belopolsky, Yakov Q 13OVV2 3 V3 VV2 Ben-Artsi, Liav R 22 4Bennett, Michael Q V V VVVV 23VV4 VV3 3 V4 2 VV3 Bhatt, Vipul Q 84 1 OT3 Bhoja, Sudeep Q 53 OT2 bliss, will Q 103 1 O2 2 OT2 3Booth, Brad Q V V VVVV 19VVVV33 3 V4 VV3 Braun, Ralf-Peter Q V V VVVV 13VVVV4 V4 2 VV3 4Breuer, Dirk Q R V T OVVV 8VV4 VVVVVR 3Brown, Matthew Q OV 23VV4 VV4 3 V4 2 VV3 Bugg, Mark Q 1633 2 V4 2 VV2 Busse, Robert Q V V VVVV 8VV4 VV4 VVV Carlson, Steve Q V V VVVV 23VV4 VV34 2 V4 3 VV3 2Carroll, J.
Babanezhad, Joseph N 4 43 3 3 2 3 Babla, Chet 2 2 23 2 2 Bachar, Yuval 3 3 Badalone, Riccardo 3 Baddar, Asef 1 Balan, Vishnu 3 2 Balasubramonian, 2 32 Balcioglu, Ahmet 3 Balemarthy, Kasyapa 2 1 Bangalore, Srinivas (Srini) 2 Bar-Niv, Amir 2 2 3 Barazande-Pour, Majid 3 33 44 3 4 Barnette, Jim 3 2 Barrass, Hugh 4 44 24 2 2 3 4 Barrick, Scott 4 Battaglia, Jim 21 4 1 Baumer, Howard 4 34 3 Page 2 Name 11/8/2005 IEEE 802.3 Attendance Summary Plenaries Interim TF Mtgs 7/04 7/05 Days required for 75% 33 11/04 3 9/04 2 3/05 3 1/05 2 1/05 2 2/05 2 5/05 3 6/05 3 6/05 3 9/05 2 10/05 3 Baxter, Les 1 Beaudoin, Denis 4 44 4 Beck, Michaël 4 44 4 Beckwith, Jon 1 Begur, Sridhar 1 Beili, Edward 2 1 Belhadj, Med 5 Beliaev, Alexei 4 44 24 Belogolovy, Andrey 3 3 Belopolsky, Yakov 2 2 3 Bennett, Ken 1 2 Bennett, Mike 3 33 3 2 Bergmann, Ernest E. 43 3 3 3 Berry, Joe 2 1 2 2 Berson, Yuval 1 Bhandari, Nitin 2 Bhoja, Sudeep 3 33 33 3 2 3 3 Bhugra, Harmeet 33 32 Biddle, Gary 1 Blachman, Steven Blauvelt, Hank 2 Bohbot, Michel 3 Bonnamy, Jean-Michel 33 Booth, Brad 4 44 44 5 2 4 3 4 Bose, Ron 1 Bottacchi, Stefano 2 2 2 Boucino, Thomas J. 4 Bovill, Kirk 2 3 2 Boyd, Graeme 3 Bradshaw, Peter 4 33 53 Braga, Al 4 3 Brand, Richard 4 44 4 Brant, Paul 4 Braun, Dori 1 2 13 2 Braun, Ralf-Peter 4 44 4 Brearley, Dave 2 Brink, Robert D. 3 4 34 3 1 2 3 Brown, Benjamin 4 4 Brown, Kevin 4 44 34 2 4 Brown, Matt 4 4 3 3 Page 3 Name 11/8/2005 IEEE 802.3 Attendance Summary Plenaries Interim TF Mtgs 7/04 7/05 Days required for 75% 33 11/04 3 9/04 2 3/05 3 1/05 2 1/05 2 2/05 2 5/05 3 6/05 3 6/05 3 9/05 2 10/05 3 Brownlee, Phillip 31 3 Brunn, Brian 3 4 3 3 3 3 Brunner, Robert 42 14 2 2 Buckmeier, Brian 22 1 Budniak, Mitchell 1 Busse, Robert 4 44 4 Cai, Xingjian 3 Cain, Jeff 1 43 34 3 3 3 Cam, Richard 1 Camagna, John 41 Carlson, Steve 4 14 4 Carrier, John 3 Cates, Ron 3 Cavendish, Dirceu Chaikin, Shlomy 3 Chalupsky, David 4 2 3 Chan, Kevin T. 3 2 2 Chang, Brian 2 Chang, Charles 1 Chang, Frank 2 3 Chang, Luke 3 3 43 3 2 Chang, Milton 2 Chang, Rong-Feng 1 3 Charny, Ben 2 Chen, Kuan-Yu 2 Chen, Qing-lun 3 4 Cheong, Kok-Wui 4 4 2 Chilukoor, Muralidharan 1 Chin, David 4 3 Cho, Jae hun 3 33 3 Choi, Jinseek 3 Chopra, Rahul 1 3 3 Chou, Joseph 3 Chou, Yun-Lung 2 Clark, Chris 1 Claseman, George 4 44 4 Clifton, Zachary 4 Coban, Abdulkerim L. 3 Cobb, Terry 4 44 33 3 2 3 2 Cohen, Larry 3 33 4 3 Page 4 Name 11/8/2005 IEEE 802.3 Attendance Summary Plenaries Interim TF Mtgs 7/04 7/05 Days required for 75% 33 11/04 3 9/04 2 3/05 3 1/05 2 1/05 2 2/05 2 5/05 3 6/05 3 6/05 3 9/05 2 10/05 3 Congdon, Paul 3 Conroy, Keith 1 3 2 2 Cook, Charles I 1 Coon, Michael 2 Cornejo, Edward 3 3 2 3 Cravens, George 4 4 Crepin, J.
., all that signed in the 802.3 books during the last year) – Red Book – new attendees & update contact information 12 November 2007 IEEE 802.3 Opening Plenary 11 802.3 Members (voters) p.1 Abbas, Ghani Abbott, John Akasaka, Youichi Alping, Arne Anslow, Pete Barnette, Jim Barrass, Hugh Barrick, Scott *Baumer, Howard Beaudoin, Denis *Beck, Michaël Beia, Christian Bennett, Mike Booth, Brad Braun, Ralf-Peter *Brearley, Dave *Brunner, Robert Busse, Robert Cain, Jeff Carlson, Steve Carroll, J.
• NO – Create a Web Account: www.ieee.org • YES, I have an IEEE Web Account and I remember my username and password – Proceed to log your attendance • MAYBE, I have an IEEE Web Account but don’t remember the password – Reset your Web Account password: www.ieee.org – If you cannot remember your username, contact Christina Sahr (c.sahr@ieee.org) Healey 17 http://www.ieee.org/ http://www.ieee.org/ mailto:c.sahr@ieee.org Healey 18 Enter your primary e-mail address as specified in your IEEE Web Account Healey 19 Ensure that you select correct working group (WG802.3) Healey 20 Click the YELLOW bar to log attendance for this meeting User Name Attendee: User Name, SA-Pin: XXXX You have not (yet) logged attendance You have logged attendance You may log attendance INACTIVE MEETINGS ACTIVE MEETINGS You have logged attendance INACTIVE MEETINGS Healey 21 Healey 22 November 2008 specifics – 2 • You must attend 3 meeting days, and declare affiliation, to receive meeting credit – Our plenary meeting is 4 days in duration – You must log attendance for Thursday AFTERNOON (closing plenary) to get credit for that meeting day – You may also log attendance for Thursday MORNING, but it does not count toward meeting credit Healey 23 Page 24Version 1.0 IEEE 802.3 Working Group Opening Plenary - November 2008 802.3 Members (voters) p.1 Abbas, Ghani Abbott, John Abbott, Justin Akasaka, Youichi Alping, Arne Anslow, Peter Baldwin, Thananya Bandyopadhyay, Jaya Barkan, Ozdal Barnette, Jim Barrass, Hugh Baumer, Howard Beaudoin, Denis Beia, Christian Bello, Eran Bennett, Michael Booth, Brad Braun, Ralf-Peter Breuer, Dirk Brown, Alan Busse, Robert Carlson, Steve Carroll, J.
You can see that quad deserializers available in the public market usually have only 2 I2C ports, and some customers will share 1 of these I2C busses with all 4 sensors and possibly other devices such as PMICs, uC/uP, etc.
You can see that quad deserializers available in the public market usually have only 2 I2C ports, and some customers will share 1 of these I2C busses with all 4 sensors and possibly other devices such as PMICs, uC/uP, etc.
You can see that quad deserializers available in the public market usually have only 2 I2C ports, and some customers will share 1 of these I2C busses with all 4 sensors and possibly other devices such as PMICs, uC/uP, etc.
Name Plenaries Qualified Interims IEEE 802.3 Credited Attendance Summary 3/09 11/09 3 3 Page 17/1/2010 Days required for meeting credit 2/4 2/3 Status Post 7/08 Status Post 3/08 Status Post 11/07 Status Post 11/08 Status Post 3/09 Note Status Post 7/09 Days4/09 2 5/09 3 7/09 3 9/09 3 Status Post 11/09 1/10 2* or 3 Status Post 3/10 (V1.0) 3/10 3 5/10 2 Status Post 7/10 4Abbas, Ghani Q V V VVVV 331 44 4 V4 4 V4 4 V Abbott, John Q V V VVVV 1644 V4 V4 V 4Agata, Akira R T n nVVV 4VOO 4Alping, Arne R V V VVVV 4VOO Ambrose, Andrew Q 10O3 3 V2 2 V Anderson, Jon Q 194 O4 5 V4 2 V 4Anslow, Peter Q V V VVVV 3344 4 V4 5 V4 4 V 4Balasubramanian, Vittal Q O O OTVV 2044 4 V4 VV 3Baldwin, Thananya Q V V TVVV 1432 V3 V3 V 3Bandyopadhyay, Jaya R V TVVV 52 VOO Barnette, Jim Q V V VVVV 6V3 V3 V 4Barrass, Hugh Q V V VVVV 282 33 3 V3 4 V3 3 V 3Baumer, Howard R V V VRVVO 3OOO Beaudoin, Denis Q V V VVVV 124 V4 V4 V 3Beckwith, Jonathan Q OV 114 V4 VV 4Beia, Christian R V V VVVV 62 VOO Belopolsky, Yakov Q 93 O3 3 T 4Bennett, Michael Q V V VVVV 2734 3 V3 3 V3 4 V 4Bergmann, Ernest Q R TVV 84 VVVR 4Booth, Brad Q V V VVVV 2734 4 V1 4 V3 4 V 2Boyd, Graeme R nnnn 2nnn 4Bozorgebrahimi, Kurosh R OO 4OOO 4Braun, Ralf-Peter Q V V VVVV 154 4 V3 VV Breuer, Dirk Q V T OVVV 84 VV4 V 4Brown, Alan R V TVVV 51 VOO 3Brown, Matthew Q OV 2834 3 V4 3 V4 4 V Busse, Robert Q V V VVVV 124 V4 V4 V 4Carlson, Steve Q V V VVVV 353 44 4 V4 4 V4 4 V 3Carroll, J.
Name Plenaries Qualified Interims IEEE 802.3 Credited Attendance Summary 7/10 3 Page 16/13/2011 Days required for meeting credit 2/4 2/3 Status Post 7/08 Status Post 3/08 Status Post 11/07 Status Post 11/08 Status Post 3/09 Note Status Post 7/09 Days9/10 2 Status Post 11/09 Status Post 3/10 (V1.1) 3/10 3 5/10 2 Status Post 7/10 Status Post 11/10 11/10 3 1/11 2 Status Post 3/11 3/11 3 5/11 2 Status Post 7/11 4Abbas, Ghani Q V V VVVV 26VV4 4 VV34 3 V4 V 4Abbott, John Q R V V VVVV 8VV4 VVVVR Abunasrah, Ebrahim R 43 1 OO Alie, Stephen R TTTT 2TOOO2 OO Ambrose, Andrew R 4OV2 2 VVOO Amleshi, Peerouz R 11 O 3Anderson, Jon Q 22OV4 2 VV24 1 V4 2 V 4Anslow, Peter Q V V VVVV 29VV4 4 VV34 3 V4 3 V 3Au, Kwok Shum R 3OOOO Balasubramanian, Koussalya Q 74 O3 T 3Balasubramanian, Vittal Q O O OTVV 7VVVV2 V2 V 3Baldwin, Thananya Q V V TVVV 13VV3 VV3 V4 V Barnett, Barry Q 64 2 T Barnette, Jim R V V VVVV 3VV3 VVOO 3Barrass, Hugh Q V V VVVV 24VV3 3 VV23 3 V4 3 V Bathrick, Greg R 11 OO Beaudoin, Denis Q R V V VVVV 8VV4 VV4 VVR 3Belopolsky, Yakov Q 17O3 3 VV2 3 V3 V 4Bennett, Michael Q V V VVVV 23VV3 4 VV3 3 V4 2 V Bhatt, Vipul R 11 O bliss, will R 51 O2 2 O 3Booth, Brad Q V V VVVV 23VV3 4 VV33 3 V4 V Braun, Ralf-Peter Q V V VVVV 10VVVV4 V4 2 V 4Breuer, Dirk Q R V T OVVV 8VV4 VVVVR 3Brown, Matthew Q OV 24VV4 4 VV4 3 V4 2 V Bugg, Mark Q 113 2 V4 2 V Busse, Robert Q R V V VVVV 8VV4 VV4 VVR Carlson, Steve Q V V VVVV 24VV4 4 VV34 2 V4 3 V 2Carroll, J.
Brown, Kevin Brown, Matt Brownlee, Phillip Brunn, Brian Brunner, Robert Busse, Robert Cain, Jeff Carlson, Steve Chalupsky, David Chang, Luke *Cheong, Kok-Wui Chin, David Cho, Jae hun Chopra, Rahul Claseman, George Cobb, Terry Cohen, Larry *Cornejo, Edward 6 March 2006 IEEE 802.3 Opening Plenary 13 802.3 Members (voters) p.2 Crepin, J.
Y Busse, Robert Transition Networks 4P P P PTransition Networks Y Cady, Ed Meritec 1PMeritec Y Caldwell, Maurice Broadcom 3P P PBroadcom Y Carlson, Steve High Speed Design, Inc. 4P P P PHigh Speed Design, Inc.
• Help is at hand: – Free on line training at: http://ieee802.org/training.htm • Learn or review the IEEE Standards process in 3 hours or less 17 March 2008 IEEE 802.3 Opening Plenary 12 802.3 Members (voters) p.1 Abbas, Ghani Abbott, John Abbott, Justin Akasaka, Youichi Alping, Arne Anslow, Pete Barnette, Jim Barrass, Hugh Barrick, Scott *Baumer, Howard Beaudoin, Denis Beia, Christian Bennett, Mike Booth, Brad Braun, Ralf-Peter Busse, Robert Cain, Jeff Carlson, Steve Carroll, J.
MainTable IEEEP802d3d1_D2_1 Management Information Base (MIB) definitions for Ethernet commentsBRC Responses BRC Responses Response # 1Cl 09 SC 9.2 P 153 L 44 Comment Type E decapitalize Module.
MainTable IEEEP802d3d1_D2_1 Management Information Base (MIB) definitions for Ethernet commentsBRC Responses BRC Responses # 36Cl 00 SC 0 P L Comment Type E There are still some instances of "bps" rather than b/s SuggestedRemedy Page 105 lines 13, 14 change "100Mbps" to "100 Mb/s" (2 instances) Page 246 line 19 change "64 Kbps" to "64 kb/s" Page 267 lines 13, 18 change "Kbps" to "kb/s" if this won't change the MIB function (2 instances) Page 269 line 6 change "Kbps" to "kb/s" if this won't change the MIB function Page 290, line 23 change "Kbps" to "kb/s" (2 instances) Page 292 lines 9 to 12: change "data rates 192-2304 Kbps" to "data rates from 192 kb/s to 2304 kb/s" change "rates 2320-3840 Kbps" to "rates from 2320 kb/s to 3840 kb/s" change "and 768-5696 Kbps" to "and from 768 kb/s to 5696 kb/s" Page 292 line 53 change "Kbps" to "kb/s" if this won't change the MIB function Page 292 line 58 change "(n x 64)Kbps" to "(n x 64)kb/s" Page 293 line 21 change "Kbps" to "kb/s" if this won't change the MIB function Page 293 line 26 change "(n x 64)Kbps" to "(n x 64)kb/s" Page 296 line 43 change "Kbps" to "kb/s" (2 instances) Page 298 lines 13, 26 change "Kbps" to "kb/s" if this won't change the MIB function (2 instances) ACCEPT IN PRINCIPLE.
Steve pointed out a correction on Viewgraph VG4: the analog busses go to all pins.
IEEE P1149.4 Mixed-Signal Test Bus Working Group Meeting Minutes for October 18, 1998 Generously sponsored by Panasonic and Synopsys ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Meeting Agenda Time Topic Responsibility 8:00am Arrival and Introductions Adam Cron 8:15am Approval of August, 1998 Minutes Adam Cron 8:20am Potential New Officers Adam Cron 8:35am Review of August Meeting Adam Cron Differential I/O Steve Sunter Core Disconnect (CD State) Keith Lofstrom VG Brian Wilkins Chapter 9 Details John McDermid 10:00am Break 10:30am Follow-on Chapter 10 Requirements Ken Parker 10:45am Application of P1149.4 Chau-Chin Su 12:00pm Adjourn for Lunch - Thank-you Synopsys 2:15pm P1149.4 Status at Matsushita Keith (Katsuhiro) Hirayama 3:00pm Break - Thank-you Panasonic 3:30pm Fig. 48 in D21 Steve Sunter 5:00pm VSIA Update Adam Osseiran 5:30pm 1149.1 Status Adam Ley 5:45pm Next Meeting Adam Cron 6:00pm Adjourn Adam Cron ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Working Group Statistics Working Group Members 31 Total Subscribers 500 Total Subscribers on "esd" reflector 402 Countries Participating 39 Companies and Other Institutions Participating ~290 Funds Available ~$550 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Meeting Attendees Name Company Sponsor John Andrews National Semiconductor William Aronson National Semiconductor Terry Borroz Teradyne, Inc.
Steve pointed out a correction on Viewgraph VG4: the analog busses go to all pins.